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Usually the best place would be a basement or some sort of secure underground bunker.

Best if: underground, and solid so say a car could drive or fall on it.

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Q: What are the best places to be to protect yourself from a tornado?
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Where is the best place to hide during a tornado outside?

The best place to hide during a tornado outside is in a low-lying area like a ditch or culvert, away from trees, cars, and other debris that could become projectiles in high winds. Lie flat and cover your head to protect yourself from debris. Avoid seeking shelter under bridges or highway overpasses as these are not safe options.

Where is the Best Place to be if you are in your Car During a Tornado?

The best place to be in your car during a tornado is not in your car. If possible, drive to a nearby sturdy building and seek shelter inside. If there is no building nearby, pull over, park, and stay in your car with your seatbelt on, ducking down below the windows to protect yourself from flying debris. Avoid parking under overpasses or bridges.

What do you do if you get stuck in a tornado?

Seek shelter. If you can get yourself underground, that's the best place to be. Although many people assume overpasses provide a safe haven this is far from the truth; they are by far the worst place to be as a large tornado will easily suck you out. See related links for video of the infamous 1991 tornado in which a group survived a small tornado under an overpass, and a link to tornado myths.

What is the best place to hide during a tornado?

The best place to hide during a tornado is in a basement or storm cellar. If those options are not available, an interior room on the lowest level of the building, such as a bathroom or closet, away from windows and exterior walls, is next best. Protect your head and body by covering yourself with pillows, blankets, or a mattress.

Does a closet protect you from a tornado?

Yes. The walls of small room or closet are less likely to collapse than the walls of a large room. It is best to seek a closet near the center of the house.

Related questions

Why should you take shelter underground during a tornado?

In a tornado it is best to get as low as possibly in order to protect yourself from the wind and debris. Having a few feet of earth between you and the tornado provides quite a bit of protection.

One of the best places to seek protection during a tornado is?

The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar.

What are the best places to seek protection during a tornado?

Underground shelter.

Where is one of the best places to seek protection durng a tornado?

The safest place to be during a tornado is in a basement or storm cellar.

What two places you should be when there's a tornado?

The best place to be in the event of a tornado is in a basement or cellar. If that is not an option, then go to an interior room on the lowest floor of your house.

The Best way to protect yourself in an earthquake is to?

Drop, cover, and hold on. Seek shelter under a sturdy piece of furniture, cover your head and neck, and hold on until the shaking stops. Be prepared with an emergency kit and have a plan in place for communication and evacuation.

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Stay observant

How can humans protect themselves from the impact of a tornado?

The best thing that people can do is to pay attention to weather advisories so they can no when a tornado is coming. When a tornado threatens, people should get to some underground shelter or get to the interior part of a sturdy house or building.

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Be and appear to be vigilant, be a "hard target" Stay observant, is the best statement that reflects how to protect yourself in a convoy under combat conditions.

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Eat healthy, get lots of sleep, and do your best to protect yourself from cold and/or hot weather.

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Nothing if you have parasites you will die... also you are gay