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All mammals have nipples, even male mammals-thoughs bumps are nipples.

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Q: What are the bumps on your dogs tummy?
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Why does my dog have yellow green bumps on his tummy?

The yellow green bumps on your dog's tummy may be pustules. Thee are similar to pimples or zits and can be caused by various conditions. You should take your dog to a veterinarian so the problem can be diagnosed and treated.

For how many months does the female dogs keep her baby in there tummy?

2 months.

How do you cure bumps on dogs?

Treatment will depend on the cause of the bumps. A vet will best be able to determine the cause and proper course of treatment.

Can your dog eat the berries of a rowan tree?

No its very poisenes, and it will upset your dogs tummy.

How do you know if your pitbull had her puppies?

um feel her tummy check if her v is bleeding look for small dogs

What are theses red and purple bumps on your dogs private part?

Those are hair follicles. Humans have hair follicles, but you don't notice them until they turn into 'goose bumps' or 'goose pimples'.

Can dogs eat candy corn?

Probably not , they have had results of vomiting and having bad tummy aches so it is best NOT to feed your dog or others dogs candy corn! -Sydney

How do you get rid of your dogs tummy ache?

Believe it or not, the vets ahve told me to give them a bit of pepto Bismol thru a dropper

Why do dogs like tummy rubs?

I don't know of any dog that doesn't like to have its belly rubbed. Mine loved it. It must feel good. they do but get restless quick unless tired

What spot do dogs like to be scratched in the most?

Behind the ears, Under the chin and around the chest, along the back close to the tail, and all dogs love a good tummy-rub.

Are bougainvillea poisonous to dogs?

According to the ASPCA it is Toxic to dogs.

What does a puppy fill like in a dogs tummy?

What a puppy feels in the dog stomach is just like a human but way different because dogs aren't humane there mammals. If you want more info on dogs or any animals watch Animal Planet.