

Why do dogs like tummy rubs?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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17y ago

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I don't know of any dog that doesn't like to have its belly rubbed. Mine loved it. It must feel good. they do but get restless quick unless tired

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Why do dogs like their bellies rubbed?

Dogs like all petting from humans. Belly rubs are particularly enjoyable because dogs can't reach their own bellies well with their mouths or paws, so it's satisfying to them to have that area rubbed by someone who can reach it. (That's why they like scratches behind their ears, too.)

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What a puppy feels in the dog stomach is just like a human but way different because dogs aren't humane there mammals. If you want more info on dogs or any animals watch Animal Planet.

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Behind the ears, Under the chin and around the chest, along the back close to the tail, and all dogs love a good tummy-rub.

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2 months.

Can your dog eat the berries of a rowan tree?

No its very poisenes, and it will upset your dogs tummy.

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Yes. Supermodels and actresses rub his tummy sometimes. And he likes getting his tummy rubbed.

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Do hamsters like being rubbed in their tummy?

When I rubbed my hamster on his tummy he didn't seem to mind.

Why do dogs like belly rubs?

Dogs enjoy belly rubs because it is a vulnerable area for them, so allowing it to be touched shows trust and submission to their human. It also activates a relaxation response and releases feel-good hormones that promote bonding and a sense of security.