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There are numnerous causes of noise pollution. Some common ones are... Some towns and cities actually have laws and limists as to the noise pollution that its citizens can make. If you individually wanted to reduce noise pollution you could try some eay things like... *Noisy leaf blowers, bush trimmers, lawn mowers, ect. *Un-sound proofed rooms *Loud music *Slamming doors / car doors. (People don't usually think of this, but imagine - how loud is it when you slam your car door? Pretty tolerable. But imagine thousands of people doing so. Now that can start to get loud. *TVs or radios. *Animals (barking dogs, tweeting birds, ect). *Voices, yelling, conversations. *Construction. *Beeping car horns, revving engines, cars, turcks, planes, ect.

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Noise is a waste like any other pollutant. It is produced inadvertently when machines and equipment are not functioning properly. Noise can also be produced purposefully by PA systems etc.

Noise you want is not pollution, noise you don't want is pollution.

Since this split is arbitrary, governments have instituted controls based on noise loudness, regardless of the source. If you exceed the permitted decibel levels you are being too noisy. You have created noise pollution.

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Basically Noise pollution is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life in anyway. Speakers are not the actual issue its the sound that is passed to them electronically that causes the pollution. The bigger the speaker the more wattage it will pump out causing hearing issues to those near by and even vibration damage.

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Environmental pollution caused by too much noise is called noise pollution.

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There aren't many aims or objectives for noise pollution. Many aims are against noise pollution because it is physically harmful to the human body.