

Best Answer

Environmental pollution is definitely a serious threat for the entire world in this age of development and industrialization. The pollution in developed cities is rising at a fast pace according to the reports of several environmental scientists. Environmental protection is the need of the hour and countries across the world are working on developing technologies and imposing certain restrictions to reduce or control environmental pollution. There have been many meetings on the international level between executives and ministers of different nations to curb environmental pollution.

Personal Pollution: Personal pollution means the harmful effect of a bad and improper lifestyle on the human body which can lead to diseases and disorders. Smoking, drinking and irregular eating habits are the main causes of personal pollution

Personal Pollution

Are you polluting yourself?

Personal pollution is the contamination of one's body and lifestyle with detrimental actions. This may include:

· Excessive smoking, drinking or drug abuse

· Emotional or physical abuse

· Poor living conditions and habits

· Poor personal attitudes

In some cases, personal pollution may be inflicted by caregivers, while in other cases it is caused by voluntary actions. Taking positive steps in your life can help eliminate this and other types of pollution so you can lead a more productive, satisfying life.

The Personal Pollution

Everywhere the world over, people seem to be worried over pollutions of all kinds- air, water, soil, sound, etc. But no one seems to give a thought to the other kinds of pollutions, those that also affect your day to day lives. Have you ever been in a situation where your olfactory system has collapsed, inundated with a gamut of smells? Cigarettes, sweat, paan, headache inducing perfumes, bad breath, body odour? Ever wondered how people co-exist happily in crowded places, how no one feels the need to complain of smells that are way beyond your levels of tolerance? Everyone seems to hold themselves, just so that they appear polite, what else! And the most annoying thing is the yawns, coughs and sneezes that are so merrily liberated in the atmosphere. Men and women in senior positions, highly educated, self proclaimed sophists, find nothing wrong in not holding their kerchieves or even a crossed hand, for that matter, while coughing, sneezing or yawning. Imagine sitting in a crowded room with four to five persons coughing in turns, an equal number of them sneezing (What to do, the AC is on!) and rarely bothering to cover their mouths. And surprisingly, not many seem to have any objection to this. The computer operator keeps keying even when someone peers through his shoulder and coughs loudly, the assistants dont mind their boss turning his head a little and sneezing, with a loud burst of salival splatter. What would you do when your boss's mouth spouts the most horrid breath ever known to humankind? You have no way to escape, nor can you garner courage to atleast make him aware of his foul smell. Wonder how nobody ever mentions to the gang of bachelor colleagues that far from masking their sweaty body odour, the garish perfume that they are wearing actually induces nasal spasms in those around them. And what do you do when the merry commuter in the bus you are about to overtake suddenly showers you with the gutkha from his mouth? Poor thing, he could'nt bear the brunt of the burning in his mouth and just sought to releive himself through the only outlet available to him at the time. Never mind that you are left gnawing your teeth in anger, for you can never stop the bus and pull him out for a thrashing. Women seem to be following men in this reagards with earnest zest. Wet hair spewing stink when kept knotted , the half dried and quarter washed mehndi in the hair completing the frame. All the hairsprays, gels, lotions, flavoured lipsticks and the muck that is passed off as make-up brews a lethal concoction when inhaled by someone sitting closer. How do you make someone see that a perfume is best enjoyed in a dab and not litres, and that in combining two very different perfumes, you end up killing both of them? When space is at a premium and each one is entitled to his own personal space, however small, it becomes imperative that any type of space is left as clean as possible, the air surrounding it included.


pesonal pollution to me is something that makes the surroundings more icky and just not good to live in, and eventually destroys life.

personal pollution on several levels:

Envoirnmental = litering, burining waste, smoking, aerosol cans (hairspray), farting (methane release), driving, plastics and using non recycleables.

Physical = eating bad unhealthy foods, not exercising, smoking, drug use/abuse, not sleeping properly.

Mental = negative thinking, negative talking, putting down others, not supporting others or self, general negative attitudes.

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