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it does not matter your size. so there is a good chance.

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Q: What are the chances of someone becoming an actress if she is obese?
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Dont be obese

How can you get an heart attack?

By becoming obese and having your arteries colged with fat

Which eating disorder leads to a person becoming obese?

binge eating disorder

Are computer games making teenagers obese?

Computer games do make some teenagers obese. Becoming obese happens only when the boy or girl keeps on playing all the time. Otherwise the answer would be a no.

How long does it take for a 14-year-old boy to become obese?

It depends. Prozac seems to be the fastest way of teenagers suddenly becoming overweight or obese.

What is mild obestiy?

Mild obesity means that while you are not obese, but are slightly obese. Obese is a term that describes someone who is well above the normal weight.

Which word means someone excessively fat?


Why are kids becoming obese?

because they dont know how to stop eating fried chicken and them donuts

Negative words that start with O to describe someone?

Odd Overweight Obese Ordinary Old

Can obese woman get pregnant easy?

Obese women get pregnant the same way any other woman. Obese women should loose weight before getting pregnant. This will lower your chances of medical complications from weight.Depends on the woman. Some women who are really obese have hormonal changes so getting pregnant can be difficult.

How can we provent obesity at a younge age?

A sensible diet and exercise stops most people from becoming obese.