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binge eating disorder

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Q: Which eating disorder leads to a person becoming obese?
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Is dieting leads to eating disorders a good speech?

No. Primarily because dieting does not lead to eating disorders. Dieting, especially excessive dieting, is a symptom of eating disorders. The eating disorder, actually the mental/emotional dysfunction that leads to the disorder, leads to the dieting.

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It leads to the path to becoming-

How does eating disorder leads to suicide?

because you don't go into puberty until a certain weight and then you get all depressed

What are some attitudes associated with binge eating disorders?

Binge Eating is actually very similar to bulimia. The root of this is usually psychological. Some attitudes are that it leads the person into depression. On the physicial side you see weight gain and fatigue. Read more here:

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An Anorexic person suffering from a is a psychological disorder called anorexia, which makes someone believe they will become fat if they eat. The disorder leads people to starve themselves putting their health in danger.

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Is a picky eater a eating disorder?

Eh, not as far as i know! But i could be wrong... Maybe your thinking of anorexia? THAT is an eating disorder but not necessarily a loss of appetite. Sorry if i didn't answer correctly! :)

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it is a path of becoming a person of character

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it is a path of becoming a person of character

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