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Q: What are the chances of two teenage male hitchhikers being picked up in the UK?
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It has happened on a few occasions. But generally your chances of survival are low if such a strong tornado picks you up.

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You need to have a lot of training and education you do not need to go to high school or collage but it will boost your chances of being picked on a Football team

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Being a teenage father, the baby attention will really affect you. You have to share some of your time with the mother and the child. Teenage fathers are not usually prepared for this process.

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The answer depends on whether it is being picked up from a height that is greater or less than where it is put down.

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Scientific studies show that oranges tend to gain vitamin C after they are picked. After being picked oranges ripen quicker. This is the point at which the fruit builds its vitamin C content.

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The chances of being sterile are very low. It is typically only around 2 to 4 percent of people who are sterile.

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What should teenage girls wear with grey ash toms?

Me being one of these teenage girls . You me being one of these teenage girls,you guys should usually wear like similar colors or if your going for something to go out with just wear what goes or what you think goes . Be unique :))