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Q: What are the changes in antigenic properties of blood when buried under soil?
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Related questions

What Blood type?

Blood type is based on the inherieted antigenic substances found on the surface of the blood cells.

What is the different between blood group and genotype?

Blood group, also known as blood type, is the grouping of blood due to the presence or absence of antigenic substances on red blood cells. Genotype is the genetic makeup of a cell or organism.

What is a blood type and is it different for everyone?

Not everyone has the same blood type. Almost 95 percent of the worlds population is blood type O and A. Blood type O and A, are the thinnest blood and lowest blood volume. A blood type is just a classification of blood base, depending on the "presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances".

Do light and blood have the same properties?

Light and blood are very different substances with distinct properties. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that travels through space, while blood is a bodily fluid that carries nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout the body. Their properties and functions are not related.

People with type AB blood are considered the universal recipient for transfusions because?

People with AB blood are universal recipients, people with 0 negative blood are universal donors.

Eli Whitney was buried were?


What the role of the lymph nodes in excretion?

Lymph nodes play a role in the immune system, not excretion. Lymph nodes help filter and trap foreign particles, such as bacteria and viruses, from the lymphatic fluid. They also produce and store white blood cells to help fight infections.

What jail is king blood in?

He's buried in the Colorado Administrative Maximum Facility.

Can blood group changes after death?


Will blood type changes after marriage?

No, whatever blood your born with stays with you.

What organ has the most influence on blood and its properties?

Heart of course

What changes happen to the blood if you have HIV?

WBC will collapse within the blood in body