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Q: What are the characteristics of viscous lava flows?
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Is lava thin and flows easy?

Lava is melted rock, it is quite viscous.

Are all lava flows the same?

No. Lava flows vary in composition. Most lava flows consist of basaltic lava, which can flow as smooth phoehoe or form jagged and broken a'a. Other lava flows are more viscous and will have blocky surfaces and tend to be short and thick.

Which type of lava-basaltic lava or rhyolitic lava flows faster and why?

Basaltic flows much faster than rhyolite. Rhyolite is higher viscosity. Find a video of a basaltic lava flow like Hawaii, it flows like water when it's hot. Rhyolite eruptions usually act more like toothpaste if they're slow, or an explosion if fast.

What are the difference between acid lava and basic lava?

Acid lava comes from composite cones,is slowly moving and viscous while basic lava comes from shield volcanoes,is non viscous, runny and flows faster

Is the lava of Krakatoa AAA or pahoehoe?

Neither. Krakatoa mostly produces ash and pumice rather than lava flows. Those lava flows that do occur are block lava flows, indicating material more viscous than a'a or pahoehoe.

What is silicia and how does it affect how well magma will flow?

The more silica, the slower the lava flows and the more viscous it is.

Does Lava flow faster from a violent volcano?

A violent volcanic eruption will produce pyroclastic flows, which are somewhat like avalanches of hot ash and rock, rather than lava flows. Pyroclastic flows are faster than any lava flow. When they erupt effusively, though, the lava is so viscous that it flows very slowly.

Does a composite volcano have an Aa type of lava?

A'a can occur at composite volcanoes, but block lava flows, which are far more viscous, are more common.

Is basaltic lava less fluid than andesitic lava?

No. Basaltic lava has less silica than andesitic lava which makes it less viscous and so basaltic lava flows more easily than andesitic lava.

Which lava is less viscous rhyolitic or basaltic?

Basaltic lava is less viscous.

Difference between viscous and non viscous lava?

Viscous lava is very sticky and thick and is more felsic (ie it contains more silica) than non-viscous lava. This type of lava makes for a very explosive volcano, because it's so sticky that it sticks to itself and can't exit the volcano until it explodes violently. Non-viscous lava is more runny and is more mafic (has more iron, less silica). Volcanoes with non-viscous lava are less explosive because the lava just runs out slowly and no pressure builds. The Hawaiian islands are formed from volcanoes with non-viscous lava.

Which one hardens faster runny or thick lava?

Thick, highly viscous lava.