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Q: What are the classification of actions according to the norms or morality?
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What are the classification of actions according to the norms of morality?

moral(good) immoral(bad)and amorral (indifferent)

Meaning of norms of morality?

Norms of morality are the shared beliefs and values within a society that dictate what is considered morally right or wrong. These norms provide guidelines for behavior and help to shape individuals' actions and decisions. Adhering to these norms ensures social cohesion and harmony within a community.

What is the difference between crime and morality?

Crime refers to actions that are against the law and punishable by the legal system, while morality refers to principles of right and wrong behavior, often based on ethical or cultural norms. Not all immoral actions are considered criminal, and not all criminal actions are necessarily immoral.

How is a reflective morality an improvement over the customary morality?

It isn't necessarily an improvement at all, actually, but it is useful, especially historically, to judge someone's actions with the context of what was normal in the context of their generation and their society, rather than looking back and judging them based on the norms of our own more modern world.

What did BF Skinner say about morality?

There is no innate morality, we are born "tabula rasa" blank slates onto which morality must be learned from our experience with the external world. the moral judgements we come to hold are decided by socialisation, that is how society conditions us.

What is a thing that cannot be challenged?

Morality or ethical principles are difficult to challenge universally as they can vary depending on individual beliefs and cultural norms.

What did hippies do to show their disapproval of mainstream society?

Refused to behave according to conventional norms

What does Nietzsche mean in his excerpt Morality as Anti-Nature?

In "Morality as Anti-Nature," Nietzsche critiques traditional morality for going against our natural instincts and desires. He argues that morality restricts our potential for personal growth and authenticity by imposing rigid rules and values that suppress our natural inclinations. Nietzsche advocates for a reevaluation of morality to prioritize individual flourishing and self-expression over conformity to societal norms.

Sigmund Freud's view of morality?

Sigmund Freud believed that morality comes from the superego, which is the part of the mind that represents internalized societal and parental values. He viewed morality as a product of unconscious processes and early childhood experiences that shape an individual's sense of right and wrong. Freud also suggested that moral development is influenced by the resolution of inner conflicts between instincts and societal norms.

What is the prudential norms of the banks?

Prudential norms relate to income recognition,asset classification,provisioning of NPAs and capital adequacy ratios( capital to risk weighted asset ratio, CRAR)

What is meant by norms of morality?

I would suggest that what is meant by that is the general consensus for social norms; i.e a person deemed 'normal' would not murder others, steal from them or harm them in any way. Basically, treat others with the respect you expect yourself. deviation from these norms would result in breaking the law.

According to Oscar Wilde what is the ralationship between art and morality in life?

Oscar Wilde believed that art should not be judged by moral standards, as art is meant to be appreciated for its own sake and not held to the limitations of morality. He argued that art should be autonomous and not constrained by societal rules or norms, allowing individuals to experience beauty and truth in a pure and unadulterated form.