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in the left hand corner of the Hawaiian is a symbol that is resembles the British flag. the rest of the flag consists of stripes that are:







white this is a patteren.


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Q: What are the colors of Hawaii?
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What does the colors of Hawaii flag mean?

IMPROVED. Aloha. Answer: The eight alternating white, red and blue stripes represent the eight islands of Hawaii. The British Union Jack represents Hawaii's historical relationship with Great Britain as its protectorate. It also represents a stylized puela (a triangular standard laying across two crossed spears called an alia) which is the symbol of the Hawaiian ali'i. the colors mean the eight islands of Hawaii

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"Pretty Ones with lots of colors!"

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Not all the buildings are pink in Hawaii. The pink building you are probably talking about is the famous Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Waikiki Beach. The buildings are very diverse in Hawaii, from short to tall, big and small, and different colors too!

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Red is one of the many colors of the hibiscus flower, the state flower. To the ancient Hawaiians, the color red was a sacred color and denoted royalty and power.

What are the Hawaii flag's colors?

IMPROVED. Aloha. Answer: The eight alternating white, red and blue stripes represent the eight islands of Hawaii. The British Union Jack represents Hawaii's historical relationship with Great Britain as its protectorate. It also represents a stylized puela (a triangular standard laying across two crossed spears called an alia) which is the symbol of the Hawaiian ali'i. Red, White and Blue.