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White on the top and Red on the bottom.

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1d ago

The Polish flag consists of two horizontal stripes - white on the top and red on the bottom.

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Q: What are the colors of the polish flag?
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What colors are in the Polish flag?

The Polish flag has a white-red flag. recently they are trying to fit in a new flag because other countried have the exact same flag.

What does the colors mean on the polish flag?

The colors on the Polish flag signify important national meanings: white symbolizes the hope for peace and honesty in society, while red represents bravery, courage, and determination in defending the country. The flag's design dates back to the early 20th century and has been a symbol of Polish identity and independence.

What are the colors on the Polish flag?

The Polish flag consists of two horizontal stripes of equal size – the top stripe is white and the bottom stripe is red.

Do the Polish have a Santa Claus?

They ought to. Bobby Vinton did a comic song that suggested that Santa must be Polish as his costume is red and white- the colors of the Polish Flag!

When Was The Polish Flag Made?

White and red were officially adopted as national colors in 1831. The national flag was officially adopted in 1919.

What do the colors on the Polish flag stand for?

The white color on the Polish flag symbolizes peace and purity, while the red color represents valor and bravery. The colors have been used on the flag of Poland for centuries and have become deeply rooted in the country's history and culture.

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There are no stars on Polish Flag.

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What do polish people do on polish flag day?

Some Polish people put the flag on their houses and participate in some festivals, if there are organised in their city. If they are religious, they pray for the country.