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Q: What are the common element that found in Io moon?
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What is the distance between Io and the earth?

* The Earth orbits the Sun at a distance of about 150 million kilometres * Io is a moon of Jupiter. * Jupiter orbits the Sun at a distance of about 779 million kilometres * Io orbits Jupiter at a distance of about 0,5 million kilometres So, the distance from the Earth to Jupiter can range from when both are on the same side of the sun, and at their closest to each other.... 779 - 150 = 529 million kilometres; to when they are on opposite sides of the sun = 779 + 150 +1 (the sun's thickness) = 930 million kilometres. Allowing for Io's orbit you could add, or subtract, about 1 million from the figures above... giving an overall range of anywhere between 528 and 931 million kilometres.

What is NH4IO?

It is ammonium hypoiodite. Ammonium is NH4 Hypoiodite is IO- Hope this helps -Shangara Flora

What makes rock and soil move downslope?

Types of mass wasting include creep, slides, flows, topples, and falls, each with its own characteristic features, and taking place over timescales from seconds to years. Mass wasting occurs on both terrestrial and submarine slopes, and has been observed on Earth, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter's moon Io.

What is NaIO?

NaIO = Sodium Hypoiodite Sodium (Na+1) + Iodite (IO2-1) Hypoiodite= (IO-1) Na+1 + IO-1 = Na1IO1 but since we dont put a 1 subscript it is NaIO Since iodite lost 2 oxygens and it is a metal and a oxy-radical compound you have to add a hypo- prefix and a -ite suffix, which makes it Sodium Hypoiodite

Why is KI a catalyst for H202 decomposition but KBr and KCl aren't?

The mechanism of catalysis involves the I- ion only. The mechanism is: H2O2 + I- --> IO- + H2O H2O2 + IO- --> I- H2O O2 Second step regenerates the I- ion (thus acts as a catalyst). This reaction is first order wrt to both H2O2 and I-. Notably exothermic reaction. Must be in a medium which allows formation of I-, ie dissociation of KI. Water is a wonderful example.