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abousley beaten and brused people(slaves) and they probly dont trust anyone after slavery was band and they went educated...:) enjoy!!

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Q: What are the consequences of slavery?
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Related questions

What did it mean for those opposed to slavery?

Those opposed to slavery were the people who were against slavery. These individuals were looked down upon and use to face stiff consequences for aiding slaves.

What are some consequences of slavery?

death for thousonds of people and the wealth of the American Eli manning"

What were some of the consequences of slavery?

they would get whipped by a leather bull whip with fringe on the end

What is the worst thing that could happen if your in child slavery?

The child being killed. And there are plenty of other possible consequences, such as being sexually assaulted.

One of the consequences of colonial rhetoric about liberty and rights was?

One of the consequences of colonial rhetoric about liberty and rights was that some people came to realize that everyone should have liberty and rights, including slaves. Slavery in the U.S. eventually ended in 1865.

What were Thomas Jefferson's conditions for ending slavery in 1820?

Thomas Jefferson had a hand in politics long after his terms as US president ended. In 1820, the Missouri Compromise was being "hammered out' and Jefferson had ideas concerning the Compromise and the ending of slavery. He believed the nation could endure all economic consequences of abolishing slavery. His condition for ending slavery and to avoid all the political and social strife this would cause, meant the colonization of the freed slaves.

Who were the Radical Republicans and why did they fail to accomplish their goals?

The radical wing of the Republican Party were termed as such because of their insistence that slavery be abolished without regard to what the consequences might be. They were in fact abolitionists. Moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats understood that an immediate end to slavery might have unpleasant social and economic consequences. During the US Civil War they demanded that the war was fought to end slavery. Moderates sought to unify the Union first and deal with slavery later.

What was radical Republican in the middle of the 19th century?

The Republican Party was created in 1854. Its main objective was to abolish slavery in the US. Among the members of this arty was a group known as radical Republicans. They wanted slavery to be abolished at once no matter what the economic or social consequences might be the result. Moderate Republicans like President Lincoln sought a slower and constitutional solution to gradually abolish slavery.

What long lasting consequences did the presidential election of 1860 have on the United States?

Long lasting consequences that the election of 1860 had was that the South didn't want Abraham Lincoln to become the president so states in the South seceded from the Union. Soon, the Civil War began. The South believed that as a Republican, Lincoln would do all he could to abolish or contain slavery, despite the fact he promised to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act and to let slavery alone where it already existed.

What were the causes and consequences of the American Civil War?

The main cause for the American Civil War was that the South wanted to keep slavery and the North wanted to abolish slavery. A consequence of the war was that most of the South had to be rebuilt after the war ended. Population in the South was also decreased because many people had to go north to find work.

What groups opposed the abolitionist?

Various groups opposed the abolitionist movement, including Southern slaveholders, pro-slavery politicians, and white supremacist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. These groups benefited economically and socially from the institution of slavery and feared the consequences of its abolition, such as loss of labor and power dynamics shifting. They often used violence, intimidation, and legal mechanisms to preserve slavery and suppress the abolitionist cause.

Do rats get consequences?

no, rats do not get consequences