

What are the criteria to be eligible for a US Green Card?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Criteria for US Green Card

The first criteria is

  • Are you eligible to apply?

You should be able to apply if:

  • you have family in the US,
  • job offer or employment (located in the US),
  • refugee or asylum status (as determined by US policy).
  • you are admissible to the United States

Check out the related link for official policy information regarding procedures and processes.

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Q: What are the criteria to be eligible for a US Green Card?
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How can an illegal alien get a green card?

An immigrant who is unlawfully within the US is not eligible for permanent residence status (green card).

What rights do you have if you have a us green card and lived in the us?

As a green card holder staying in US you have the rights to live and work there. Apart from this you can also petition for your close relatives using Form I-130 for them to get green card. Above all after five years of being a green card holder if you are eligible you can apply for US citizenship.

Can someone that has lived with a US citizen for more than 5 years be eligible for a green card?

While being the bona fide spouse of a US citizen automatically makes someone eligible for a permanent resident visa ("green card"), simply living with a US citizen does not confer any special status no matter how long you lived with them.

How many times you can renew your green card's?

Until and unless you want to stay in US with a valid status you need to renew your green card.Once you get your green card you need to renew it every decade to make sure your stay in US is legal. After minimum 5 years as a green card holder in US if you are eligible you should apply for US citizenship. Once you become a US citizen you need not renew green card since only after you submit your green card in return you would get the naturalization certificate as proof of citizenship in US after all procedure and oath taking.

Why is the UK exempt from applying for a green card on the Green Card lottery?

Only the countries with the lowest number of visas granted annualy by the US are eligible. The UK is not among them. I should have said "issued," not "granted."

How can i apply for citizenship outside the US?

First and foremost requirement to apply for US citizenship is that you need to be in US as a green card holder and more than 18 years of age. Only with continuous residence in US for 5 years as a green card holder you will be eligible to apply.

Can you still get your green card if your citizenship was denied?

Basic criteria to apply for US citizenship is to be a green card holder in US. Only if you already have a green card for a minimum period of 5 years and above age of 18 years and have stayed in US continuously during that period you are eligible to apply for US citizenship. If citizenship is denied you still can continue to stay in US as a green card holder. In case you are not happy with decision after applying for US citizenship using Form N-336 you get another chance of applying for US citizenship. Once you correct the mistake because of which citizenship was denied in the first place the second time you apply you can be sure to get citizenship. Elaborate and careful preparation of the Form N-400 is very important.

How does one obtained a US green card?

Once you get a green card to become a US citizen you need to have had the green card with continuous physical presence in US for minimum period of 5 years and above the age of 18 years. Using the US immigration Form N-400 the naturalization process can be started end of which you will be given the citizenship certificate as proof that you are a US citizen.

If a non citizen married to a US citizen for more than 3 years gets divorced will they still be eligible for a green card?


Can you renew your expired green card and you are married to a US citizen for 12 years now?

Yes, you can and you should. Your green card is the only way to prove that you are a US permanent resident. You are also eligible to apply for US citizenship if you have lived in the US for the past five years.

If you have a green card and have lived in the US for 17 years do you become a citizen if you marry an American?

If you have a greencard, you are eligible to apply for naturalization by yourself in 5 years from the date your greencard was first issued.

If a tourist and green card holder got married in the US what would be the best recourse for them to take to make the tourist eligible to join his spouse in the States?

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