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It causes cancer, and leads to Heart disease.

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Q: What are the dangers of refined sugar?
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What are some dangers of refined sugar?

Refined sugar is seen as poisonous as it lacks in natural minerals which are found in the sugar cane. Sugar is also worse than having nothing as it drains the body of the important minerals and vitamins through the digestive system.

Is brown sugar refined sugar?

It depends on the brown sugar brand and variety. Unrefined brown sugar is typically referred to as 'raw sugar' Typical brown sugar can be partially refined or can simply be refined white sugar with molasses added. By rule of thumb, the finer the grain, the more refined the product has been.

How many tons of raw sugar to produce 1 ton of refined sugar?

100 Raw Sugar = 92 Refined Sugar

Is peanut flour a refined sugar?

No. It is not sugar.

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Which sugar is healthier than refined sugar?


Is table sugar natural?

No as its refined from sugar cane.

What was the value of refined beet sugar shipments in 1997?

The value of refined beet sugar shipments was $2.61 billion in 1997

What was the value of refined beet sugar shipments in 2000?

The value of refined beet sugar shipments was $2.49 billion in 2000

What are different market forms of sugar?

Brown sugar Refined (white) sugar

What are the different market forms of sugar?

Brown sugar Refined (white) sugar

What property of activated carbon is utilized in the production of refined sugar?

The abstract active property of carbone is used to create refined sugar.