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Q: What are the dark-colored relatively flat regions of the Moon surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins called?
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What Dark relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?


Dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

A maria

Dark-colored relatively flat regions of the Moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

A maria

What was formed when lava from the Moon's interior flooded bowl-like regions on the Moon's surface?


Name and describe the regions in the interior of the Sun?

the regions are, in order from surface to center: the surface, which is 10,000 degrees F. then there is the convection zone, then the radiation zone. Finally, we reach the core which is 27,000,000 degrees F.

What are dark colored relatively flat regions of the moon's surface formed when interior lava filled large basins?

The lunar maria (singular: mare) are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed by ancient volcanic that won't fit in my crossword _ _ _ _ amaria

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The Mercator map projection does not represent area correctly. the equatorial regions are relatively small and the polar regions relatively large (if Greenland looks larger than Australia then the area proportions are wrong Australia has more than three times the surface area of Greenland).

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What are dark colored flat regions of the Moon's surface formed when interior lava filled large basins?

Do you have mrs swartzentruber for science? Cuz if u do I have the answer! Meet me in the small commons by where you put your lunch trays!

Why Earth's interior is warmer than its surface?

Earth's surface is free to radiate heat into space. The interior is not. The interior does transfer heat the the surface, but rather slowly. It is hot due to residual heat from Earth's formation and from the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements.

Why earths interior is warmer than earths surface?

Earth's surface is free to radiate heat into space. The interior is not. The interior does transfer heat the the surface, but rather slowly. It is hot due to residual heat from Earth's formation and from the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements.