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A red blood cell is not a cell, its a blob of cytoplasm containing hemoglobin. They live about 90 days. Sperm cells are "real" cells but contain only half the genetic information of "normal" cells. They only live about a week.

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12y ago

A red blood cell travels through mostly all of your body, but egg cells, also known as white cells, only travel through certain areas, such as your lungs, heart, and other organs not including your skin.

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7y ago

A Red blood cell has no nucleus. The sperm has a nucleus but only half the number of chromosomes. Neither have organelles, have a short life span and can't reproduce themselves in their mature form.

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12y ago

Sperm is 25 micrometers long including the tail but the head is just 4 micrometers and a red blood cell is 6 - 8 micrometers.

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8y ago

A red blood cell is much larger than an atom. The RBC can be seen under a light microscope while an atom would not. You would need a atomic force microscope.

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What is difference between a sperm and plant cell?

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