

What are the different type of animals?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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Classic/Traditional Animation, which is what most Cartoons are. Most of these Cartoons use images in many cells which create motion. Animators used to use physical cells but most (if not all) are done on computers now. e.g., Tom and Jerry, The Simpsons, most animes. Claymation, which uses clay figures, e.g., Robot Chicken, Celebrity Deathmatch. Stop Motion is when actual 3-D objects which are usually made by humans (like clay or plastic or rubber) are used. The process consists of them taking a picture of the scene then making small adjustments to the scene and taking more pictures. e.g., Wallace and Gromit

3D animation, which is based on CGI. It is totally computer-generated with the images being made and animated using 3-D design and animation software. e.g., Shrek, Galactik Football

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Margaretta Barrows

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Classic/Traditional Animation, which is what most cartoons are. Most of these cartoons use images in many cells which create motion. Animators used to use physical cells but most (if not all) are done on computers now. e.g., Tom and Jerry, The Simpsons, most animes. Claymation, which uses clay figures, e.g., Robot Chicken, Celebrity Deathmatch. Stop Motion is when actual 3-D objects which are usually made by humans (like clay or plastic or rubber) are used. The process consists of them taking a picture of the scene then making small adjustments to the scene and taking more pictures. e.g., Wallace and Gromit

3D animation, which is based on CGI. It is totally computer-generated with the images being made and animated using 3-D design and animation software. e.g., Shrek, Galactik Football

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anime shows? XD

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i know allot m ore! But ill only tell you this!

Sorry if its not what you wanted!

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