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children were excited and adults over 16's were frightened Answer: The French were understandably nervous, as they were, the only sizable force opposing Germany with a border directly between them and Germany.. Their reaction was very defensive, and they hid behind the Maginot line with the idea that it would be impenetrable. on the surface they were putting on a face that they hoped would make them look like a hard target, but in reality they were ill-prepared for an invasion, and were doing many things to prevent this. The French were, however, mentally prepared, or at least preparing, for an invasion, as the French were traditionally a very proud nation that were willing to put much on the line to defend their country. The British, like the French, were nervous, but not as much, due to the fact that they were an island, which is much easier to defend than being in direct contact with the invading country. They were also, although not by much, better prepared to fight off an invading army than the french, although after Dunkirk they lost most of their military equipment. The British were, as was voiced in Winston Churchill's 'We Will Fight on the Beaches' speech, very determined to defend their country, as having an empire and going through a world war promote patriotism.

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