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Orphans are known for their self-reliance, the extent to which is far greater than anyone with a family could ever comprehend. While being an orphan is never easy, orphans normally tend to go far in life, so long as they channel their energy into a positive path. One day, they will no longer be walking down that path alone, as they will meet someone special and start a family of their own.

I'm living proof

and also the positive (good) things are that the orphans looked for newspapers to start a fire for warmth, found homes, had fun with agents on the train, the agents bought candy fo them also food

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13y ago
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13y ago

no negative effects of being a orphan everyone is the same human being. trust me don't LET anyone tell you different

actually there r. negative means bad things so the orphans did do things bad they comitted suicide, joined violent gangsters or clubs, drank beer smoked and gambled for money

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10y ago

No Advice. If you're an orphan, you don't have parents to share basic wisdom with you. Having someone 20+ years older to observe, listen to, talk to, and brainstorm with is very helpful at every stage of life. For instance, when you want to go to college, buy a house, get married, fix your deck, travel etc. no one in your life is truly invested in you enough to give in-depth advice about "how they did it" 20 years ago if you're an orphan. Even if your parents don't share advice often you can still observe them and pick up some best practices on Life. Sans parents, you watch your friends parents and search the web for "teach me about life, I'm an orphan" or "the disadvantages of being an orphan".

No Conscience. When you're young, you may resent the nagging critical voice of your parents telling you how to behave. Without parents, no one is invested in whether you succeed or fail. The critical voices that offer an outside perspective on your career, your posture, and your manners fade. Without parents, you are the lonely voice of reason for your behavior and you set the bar for your success. Your only hope for feeling a deeper sense of meaning is to marry a critical thinker, befriend people who have strong consciences, have children who are invested in your success, or become famous. Without parents or children, you could be a billionaire or in prison and your friends will just say "Oh, that's so-and-so, you know how he is..." They care, but they aren't invested.

No Unconditional Love. When comparing friends and parents as systems of love and support:

Friends offer unconditional support but conditional love

Parents offer conditional support but unconditional love

Friends don't usually judge you for dating the wrong person, having poor posture or being too loud or too shy. Friends offer a safe space to feel accepted and have fun. However, friends very easily outgrow each other and even best friends quickly distance themselves from each other when their lives aren't compatible anymore.

Parents on the other hand will often judge you severely but rarely move on, fade away, or distance themselves from you just because they don't understand you.

No Witness. Parents link you to your past, without them (and other family members), you are just Anyone from Anywhere. When someone else witnesses your life, your knowledge that an outsider is witnessing your growth gives you a sense of continuity and reality that can't be replicated. Parents give you a reflection of yourself for you to love and to rebel against.

Lone Memory. After age 25 you might forget the name of your best friend in kindergarten. As an orphan you may not have anyone to call and ask... Who was my best friend?, what was my favorite toy?, where was it we visited when I was 4? You lose your history and your perspective on yourself becomes one-dimensional when you are an orphan.

No Home. You can never go home. Wherever you are, that's home.

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