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Some advantages of political machines were that they provided order and could sometimes restructure city governments to benefit their constituents. However, there were numerous disadvantages: corruption, poor service, and racial issues.

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Amya Moore

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thanks, this helped a lot. looks like i'm gonna make a 100 on my s. studies assignment. :)
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lot's of help thank's :)
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14y ago

It is a cause of corruption.
Enormous power especially if use to benefit only a number of people is wrong.

Whoever wrote this is absolutely right. Among the disadvantages of political machines are also included:



-control over business licenses (failure to support them could result in losing yours.)

-too much power & control over multiple things

-most times, they said one thing & did another

These are just some of the reasons political machines weren't so good. Though there were some advantages, such as the fact that they did somewhat help immigrants, give out jobs to their supporters, build parks/sewer systems/waterways, & the fact that they helped support schools, hospitals & orphanages of the time, the main outcome was devastating. The only thing they really cared about, rather than the people, was only the people's votes. Failure to support them would usually result in a loss of jobs & such. The so-called 'human helpers' were nothing but a pack of phonies who cared of only themselves. Sadly, it appears that a bountiful amount of people had fallen for the tricks of these tricksters.

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10y ago

They helped by solving some of the biggest urban problems. But they harmed as they often used corrupt methods.

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