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Takes away the monopoly the insurance and Pharmacorps have on the Health care industry. But I guess that is only a disadvantage if you are a CEO or a Republican...

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Q: What are the disadvantages of the obama health care reform?
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Why is health care reform referred to as ObamaCare?

Obama is the president that proposed the health care reform and implemented it.

Which policy shows Obama is a progressive?

Health care reform

Which policy shows that Obama is progressive?

Health care reform

Is Obama Health taking over BIA health care?

By "Obama Health," I assume you mean, health insurance reform. The government will not be taking over any private insurance provider as a result of health insurance reform.

Does Obama health care reform exempt Obama his wife and congress senators and their families?

The core of health insurance reform is mandatory coverage. The President and Congress already meet this requirement.

What has President Obama accomplished in office?

Bankrupting the country. If that doesn't count, then health care reform.

Did barack obamas health care reform passed yet?

Obama has predicted it will die on Capitol Hill. No it will not pass.

Did any Republicans vote in favor of Obama's health care reform bill?

Nope, not one republican vote.

What was the reason people were against Barack Obama's healthcare reform?

they think it is a government take over of their health care plan.

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health care reform

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Will Obama's health care reform lower non-primary care physicians' salaries?

Yes, it does effect in their salaries - Most things Obama starts leads our country towards a socialist and economically unstable state.