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Q: What are the drug interactions between Tylenol PM and Fentanyl Patches?
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There are no known drug interactions between Tylenol and Methadone, but you should always check with your pharmacist or doctor just to be safe.

Does Tylenol pm affect Depo-Provera?

There are no known drug interactions between Tylenol PM and Depo Provera

Can Tylenol be taken with metoprolol tartrate 25mg twice daily?

That's fine. I am a pharmacist and I can assure you, there are no interactions between Tylenol and metoprolol.

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There are no known drug interactions between hydrocodone and Depo Provera.

What is the conversion from 150 mcg Fentanyl patches every 3 days to Dilaudid?

For oral Dilaudid (hydromorphone) the equivalent dose would be between 75-80mg's.

Can you take Tylenol cold multi-symptom medicine two hours after taking aspirin?

There should be no problem taking these to medications in close temporal proximity, as there is no significant interactions between aspirin and tylenol.

Can you take Excedrin Tylenol or Aleve after taking Plan B and if so how long would you have to wait?

Yes, there are no known drug interactions between Aleve and Plan B.

Can you take midol while taking Lexapro?

I wouldn't...check are drug interactions between lexapro and midol, aleve, and advil..stick with tylenol

Can you take Tylenol if you are taking clonidine?

Yes, these medications can be taken together and still have a safe response. There are no known drug interactions between the two. Dr. Jacob M. Deese, MD

What is the peak of Fentanyl patch?

The peak of pain relief provided by the Fentanyl transdermal system is between 12 and 18 hours after application.

What is the difference between Fentanyl and oxycodone?

Fentanyl is normally primarily used as a general anesthetic, where Oxycodone is an acute pain medication. However, when prescribed as a chronic pain med, Fentanyl Transdermal Patches are typically the opiate therapy of last resort for severe chronic pain patients, who have used all other lesser forms of opiates without long term success, their opiate tolerance has exceeded acute pain med limits, or their pain requires 24/7 relief. Most acute meds like Oxycodone only last 4-6 hours; the longest lasting timed-release version of Oxycodone (OxyContin) at best last 12 hours. Fentanyl patches last anywhere from 48-72 hours depending on the patient and their opiate tolerance level.The biggest difference of course is strength; Fentanyl is the strongest opiate on the planet, and is 100x stronger than morphine.

Can you take Claritin and Tylenol cold relief?

Yes, they are considered safe to take together. There are no significant drug interactions between Claritin and acetaminophen. Tylenol (acetophenimen) is an over-the-counter analgesic and fever reducer (considered safe when taken as directed). Claritin is an over-the-counter antihistamine (considered safe when taken as directed).