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Malaise (vague feeling of bodily discomfort)

Abnormal bleeding

Excessive bruising


Reduced exercise tolerance

Weight loss

Bone or joint pain

Infection and fever

Abdominal pain or "fullness"

Enlarged spleen, lymph nodes, and liver

The early signs for leukemia are regular fevers and feeling fatigued, being the most common. Other signs would be a lot of pain through out ones body and loss of appetite.

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11y ago
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14y ago

the symptom's are tire, not smiling, and weak, and get sick easier

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10y ago

Early signs of leukaemia are fatigue, fever and unexplained bruisings. However, these symptoms do not automatically mean cancer, and a doctor should be able to diagnose the disease fully.

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Q: What are the early signs of leukemia?
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Information regarding the early signs of pregnancy can be found on the internet at the WebMD website. The site has a wealth of knowledge covering all types of medical related ailments including the early signs of pregnancy.

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One of the most experienced symptoms is weight loss. If you are feeling sluggish and as if you don't have any energy then this could be another symptom. If caught in the early stages Leukemia can be treated.