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Bio-accumulation in the invertebrates within the aquatic ecosystem makes it highly toxic to larger predators such as species of fish and possibly feeding birds in the aquatic area. DDT effects the fertility of the species such as thinning of egg shells and death of embryos.

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Q: What are the effects of DDT on marine mammals?
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How did DDT get into marine environments?

DDT is transported by rivers in sea.

Why might people who understand DDT disagree to DDT?

DDT has toxic effects and remain longtime in soils and waters.

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Do marine mammals have eyelids?

Yes all marine mammals have eyelids.

What mammals do not live on land and do not lay eggs?

Marine mammals do not live on land, and no marine mammals lay eggs. Marine mammals include whales, dolphins and porpoises.

What are the effects of DDT?

DDT can make egg shells so thin that birds can't hatch their young.

Are penguins marine mammals?

no their marine birds

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What effects can a DDT ban have on the population of fish?

DDT is dangerous for all living beings; but also is a very good insecticide.

What do you call mammals that live in the ocean?

Marine mammals.

What is the difference among marine mammals and other mammals?

Marine mammals live and water and they need to surface to breathe. While land mammals can breathe just as humans do.

What did the study in a Pennsylvania forest reveal about the environmental effects of using DDT?

DDT killed ladybugs, which caused the aphid population to rise.