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Since December 2019, coronavirus has started spreading around the world. This virus affects our respiratory system. The named “coronavirus” is derived from Latin word corona which means “crown” or “wreath”.

In humans, coronavirus cause respiratory tract infections that can be mild, such as a common cold. This will make your immune system weak and the cases of coronavirus in India are increasing.

The best way to protect ourselves is to stay home and social distancing. Well, in this article we discuss about our immunity, covid-19 and alkaline water.

Did you know that acidic bodies attract the overgrowth of disease-causing bacteria and viruses like influenza and coronavirus? The acid-alkaline balance in our body is a key component of overall good health, and one of the most important ways impacting health status. Raising pH (to an alkaline state) increases the ability of the immune system to kill bacteria, a study at the Royal Free Hospital and Medicine School in London includes. The body’s natural pH balance, which is mildly alkaline, must be preserved to make us feel our happiest and energetic.

“The alkaline body can absorb up to 20 times more oxygen than the acidic body.”

These are the words Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize Winner for his work on respiratory enzymes and Cancer.

Do you catch colds and flu frequently?

Are you susceptible to mouth sores, sensitive teeth, and sore throat?

Are you mentally tired after an hour of desk work?

All these symptoms and more can be linked as an over-acidic condition to an imbalance in the pH of the body. pH is a function of fluid acidity and/or alkalinity. Body pH is the key indicator of balance in the internal fluids of the body including blood, urine, saliva and the fluid between the cells, as well as within them. The viruses and bacteria which cause bronchitis and colds thrive in an acidic environment. Keeping our pH in a slightly alkaline range of 6.8 to 7.2 can reduce the risk and lessen the severity of colds, sore throat, and bouts of influenza. To increase infection protection:

1. Start your day with alkalizing lemon and Aloe-Vera juice drink.

2. Add green-food powder & leafy greens to your smoothies.

3. Consume 75 % to 80% of your foods and beverages from the alkaline-forming foods chart.

Numerous studies in a last 10 years have shown a strong relationship between food and low-grade acidosis. Our Daily eating habits have a great effect on the body’s pH. The typical Western Diet is an acid forming diet, low in valuable alkaline minerals. The good news is that by consuming a diet high in alkaline-forming foods such as dark leafy greens and adding extra alkaline minerals and super foods, a change in your body’s pH balance can occur fairly quickly.

Though it may take months to reduce tissue damage and restore optimal immune, nerve and organ function, there are some alkaline power foods such as lemon, apple cider vinegar, aloe-vera juice, chlorella, spriulina, and other green-food powders, as well as citrate minerals of potassium, magnesium, and calcium, that when added alkaline water or spring water will help balance the body’s pH.

Lastly, cold OTC medications are acid-forming, as are most medications. When feeling stressed or a cold coming on, make yourself a natural lemon, honey and ginger drink.

Activities that are soothing and relaxing reduce stress and will help make us more alkaline.

It is a known fact that a better immune system will work good to recover from covid-19.

Alkaline water means water with a higher pH level - less acidic than regular tap water. This means it is rich in alkalizing compounds including calcium, silica, potassium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. Alkaline water also contains alkaline minerals and negative oxidation-reduction potential. ORP is the ability of water to act as a pro- or antioxidant.

When we drink alkaline water, it will boost our immune system which helps in neutralizing the acidity in our body, which is caused by poor diet, stress and environmental toxins. Alkaline water not just helps in boosting immunity, but also helps in other diseases like cancer, Diabetes, weight loss, etc.

Drink More Alkaline Water to Boost Your Immune System and to protect you from diseases.

Prevention is better than Cure.

Drink Healthy Spring Water and Stay Alkaline to Prevent Diseases.

Try Aqua Prills Alkaline Water Now.

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Alkaline water purifiers are in trend for getting the best health suitable water. Alkaline water has proven to be loaded with the several best health benefits that's why people are choosing an alkaline water purifier over a normal water RO filter. You can search for an alkaline water purifier on the internet, there are several websites selling various types of alkaline water filters. I have bought an alkaline water purifier from tesla healthy life at a really affordable cost. I am very much satisfied with the taste of the water it's really different and makes the body feel lightened.

Are there any side effects with alkaline water?

I am not convinced that Alkaline water is as good for you as the manufacturers of the machines would lead you to believe. I have been struggling with sore muscles and joints for several months - now worsening to the point of not being able to walk properly. The only thing we have changed is when we hooked up and started using a Varunizer (alkaline water machine). Has anyone else had similar experiences?

Does alkaline reacts in water?

Yes, alkaline earth metals react with water forming their hydroxides.

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EHM present alkaline water ionizer products involve: Water ionizer(alkaline water ionizer, undersink water ionizer, energize water machine, professional acid water ionizer, nano energy flask), alkaline water dispenser, alkaline water stick, industrial water ionizer and so on.

What are the disadvantage of highly alkaline water?

Drinking alkaline water has some disadvantages to it. The alkaline water can cause damage to your thyroid. It can raise the PH in your stomach leading to stomach problems as well.

Is pure water a acidic alkaline or neutral?

Pure water is considered neutral with a pH of 7. This means that it is neither acidic nor alkaline, but right in the middle on the pH scale.

Is alkaline water healthier than normal water?

Yes of course Alkaline water is much healthier than normal water because the pH of alkaline water is greater than that of regular tap water. Therefore, Some experts claim that it can balance the acid in your bloodstream. Many grocery and health food stores sell alkaline water. It is also accessible online. Additionally, a lot of big chain retailers sell Alkaline water purifiers. If you are also looking for a great quality alkaline water purifier then I recommend Tesla Healthy Life's alkalino which is one of the best alkaline water purifiers in India.