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Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas.

It is released into the blood when levels of blood sugar (glucose) rise e.g. after a meal containing carbohydrates.

Cells in the body have molecules called receptors on their surface which bind specifically to insulin circulating in the blood. Binding of insulin to the receptors stimulates the cells to absorb glucose from the blood.

The main effect of insulin is therefore to reduce the level of glucose in the blood.

It also stimulates fat tissue (adipose tissue) to absorb lipids.

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12y ago

Insulin is a hormone secreted by groups of cells within the pancreas. When we eat, our bodies break down foods into organic compounds, one of which is glucose. The cells of our bodies use glucose as a source of energy for movement, growth, repair, and other functions. But before the cells can use glucose, it must move from the bloodstream into the individual cells. This process requires hormone insulin. When glucose enters our blood, the pancreas should automatically produce the right amount of insulin to help cells to absorb glucose. Without insulin, you actually be in a state of starvation since many of our cells cannot access glucose. This is why diabetics who do not make or use insulin can become very weak or tired easy.

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13y ago

Insulin is taken by diabetics as they pancreas can not produce either any or enough (depending on whether they are type 1 or type 2) When you eat the sugars in your food is broken down into Glucose, this is also know as blood sugar, if the blood sugar has no insulin attached to it it can't be absorbed by the body, therefore you wouldn't have any energy.

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