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Being very toxic and radioactive plutonium is a lethal material.

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Q: What are the effects of plutonium on the human body?
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Does the human body use plutonium?

Plutonium is not used in the human body.

Can plutonium be found in the human body?

Yes, plutonium exist in the human body fortunately in minute traces.

Is there plutonium in human body?

Yes, but only in traces.

What are the effects of plutonium 49 on the human body?

The isotope plutonium 49 doesn't exist. (It's not just that it's unstable... it cannot possibly exist; even assuming it were possible for one brief instant to have a nucleus consisting entirely of protons, plutonium would have to have a mass of at least 94).

What Are Some Health Effects of plutonium?

Plutonium is extremely toxic and radioactive.

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The effects of the human body with out the hormones are those-1.They can not growth properly. their body lot of disease are found 3.In human body[male & female] not matured in their age

What are the side effects of depleted plutonium?

Depleted plutonium don't exist. For plutonium health hazards see the link below.

What effects does plutonium have on the environment?

Plutonium is toxic and radioactive; a contaminated area is dangerous for humans.

What are the side effects of plutonium?

Being very toxic and radioactive plutonium is extremely dangerous.

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Is plutonium necessary for human life?

Plutonium is not an element biologically involved.