

What are the effects of third- hand smoke?

Updated: 2/23/2022
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15y ago

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The nicotine and other compounds from cigarettes that stay on surfaces long after someone has smoked are referred to as thirdhand smoke. These residues can subsequently be consumed, breathed in, or absorbed through the skin.

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Q: What are the effects of third- hand smoke?
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Third hand? how the hell does that happen.

Of second-hand smoke?

are you trying to say of what will be the effects of 2nd hand smoke, if so then the effects are coughing will tar will accumulate and youll get lung disease

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no its not sir udjust get a contact high.

Is there really third hand smoke?

Sure, the smoker blows smoke into the face of the second-hand smoker who inhales and runs from the room and exhales the smoke into another person's face. That person would be the 3rd hand smoker. Not too likely.

How does second-hand smoke effect the body?

You can breath in the smoke and it will go staight to your lungs. It has the same affect as smoking but it takes longer to get the effects.

Why are mainstream sidestream and third hand smoke dangerous to ones health?

sidestream smoke contains twice as much tar and nicotineas mainstream smoke because sidestream smoke enters the air directly from the burning tobacco.

What are the effects to people around smokers?

they might inhale it and they might want to smoke with the person and they might get involved in second hand smoke and that's bad for NICKALUS POTTER

What are the two types of tobacco smoke?

first hand smoke and second hand smoke

Is pot third hand smoke bad for babies?

Well, yeah. The same as tobacco. Just the baby might get high.

How many people have had long term effects due to drugs?

about 2,000 a year 400,000 die a year and 3,000 die from breathing in other peoples smoke (second hand smoke)

What are the type of smokes?

first hand smoke and second hand smoke