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Q: What are the energy levels for krypton?
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What Noble gas with 3 energy levels?

Radon (6 energy levels)

What is krypton's ionization energy?

Kryptons ionization energy is 1356 kJ/mol

How many electrons does krypton have in each electron shell?

how many energy levels are filled in a krypton atom They have four levels. You always put 2 in the first. 8 in the second. 18 in the third. And I believe you are able to put 36 in the fourth level, but correct me if I'm wrong about the fourth level.

Compare and contrast the Lewis structures for krypton and radon?

I had this question in my book also, and I'm pretty sure they are the same. The only difference is that Radon has 2 extra energy levels but that does not affect the L.D.S.

Which sublevels of the third energy level are filled in the element krypton?

In krypton atoms, the 3s and 3p sublevels are filled, i.e. 3s23p6.

Characteristics of the series of levels surrounding the nucleus?

Energy levels or Energy

What household contains krypton?

Krypton is used as a filling gas for energy-saving fluorescent lights and as an inert filling gas in incandescent bulbs.

Does the element Br have the highest ionization energy?

Krypton has a higher value.

What has the largest ionization energy in period 4?

The noble gas, krypton

What household items contain krypton?

Krypton is used as a filling gas for energy-saving fluorescent lights and as an inert filling gas in incandescent bulbs.

What element in the noble gases family has the highest ionization energy?

Fluorine... it has seven valence electrons and really wants to achieve noble gas configuration (8 out of 8 possible valance electrons). It already has seven and since it is so close to eight, it is very attached to them. It refuses to give them up easily. The more an element "wants" it's electrons the higher ionization energy it will have.

How are principle energy levels and energy sub levels related?

Principal energy levels are an atom's major energy levels, ranging in value from 1 to 7. Energy sublevels are contained within principal energy levels, and their number increases as the value of the principal energy level increases.