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There is no essential difference between Christianity and other religions.

  • Christianity is monotheistic, but so are Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and other religions;
  • The Christian Trinity is three persons in one God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but very similarly, the Hindu godhead is three gods in one godhead - Brahma, vishnu and Shiva;
  • Jesus is both human and divine, but so were godmen of the ancient pagan religions;
  • Jesus was crucified, but so were some of the gods and goddesses worshipped in ancient times;
  • Christianity teaches the existence of heaven and hell, but so do Islam and Zoroastrianism;
  • Christianity teaches that Jesus will return at the end of time to defeat evil and for the final judgement, but Zoroastrianism also teaches that the Saoshyant will return at the end of time to defeat evil and for the final judgement;
  • Christians believe that theirs is the only true religion, but followers of other religions believe that theirs are the only true religions;
  • Christianity has been extraordinarily successful, especially during colonial times, but so has Islam - they are now the two largest religions in the world.
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Q: What are the essential differences between Christianity and other religions?
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