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In no specific order: # Expertise and capability of the programmers writing the software code. # Degree of pre planning and thought put into the required functionality of the software prior to beginning coding. # Amount of time available before the need to release the software. # Number of resources (people) available to work on the development process. # Complexity and number of the features/functions that the software will perform and the number of other applications with which it must interact. # Amount of time available to test the functionality and scalability of the software prior to release. In general, if you take as a given that the programmers are able to write decent code, the gating factors to software quality are Time, Features/Functions, and Resources. Less time usually means sloppy coding and/or less testing and lower quality. More features/functions requires more time and/or more resources or quality suffers. The number of resources impacts the amount of coding and testing that can be done, which also impacts quality.

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Q: What are the factors causing poor quality software?
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From my research, it seems that Skype is the best video conferencing software so far - and it is free! The video quality can be poor and a little jumpy, but the audio is great and has no feedback.

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What is the opposite of poor quality?

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Why is your site so slow and of such poor quality?

I suspect that the slow speed relates to the host’s poor internet connection quality and that the poor quality replies are a result of the Grammatical capabilities of those answering questions.

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Not achieving standard quality