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First, and most importantly social and cultural peer pressure tosucceed by graduating. Second, a lack of motivating forces to graduate because many high school students find high school mundane due to a lack of personalized systems, making any idea of college or higher education a unreasonabledecision.Third, a high physical work load placed on students by teachers and administrations to give a student a more challenging school experience. And finally a fourth problem could be a bad home life.

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11y ago
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12y ago

Poverty is the main factor affecting our academic performance in Nigeria.i am one time a student of institute of management and technology(imt) enugu, but now am in east Europe to funder my study.

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13y ago

Here are some problems students face at school.


The bullies in the Cartoons may sound pretty funny taking a kid's lunch money, but the bullying today is much worse. In order to stand up to bullying, ask a teacher for help.

Bad Grades

No one said getting great grades is easy. Sometimes you have to push yourself to get the best grades possible.

Absent? Again?

Manys schools have had a surge in absentee rates. Sickness or trips don't count.

Family Problems

A child may have their minds on their families while at school, which may alter grades and performance.

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10y ago

Many factors can after a child's schoolwork, including parent who are going through a divorce. Kids who are bullied may also struggle with school work.

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14y ago

bullying!!!!!!! any kind of bullying, verbal, physical, kids have a bad attitude towards learning and skip classes and disrespect the teachers and dont care

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Q: What are the factors that affect academic performance of students in schools?
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