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Q: What are the fats that are made up of glycerol and three hydrocarbon chains known as?
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What are the three segments attached to the glycerol in a phospholipid?

A hydrophilic phosphate group and two hydrocarbon chains.

A lipid has three long chains of fatty acids and what?

A lipid has three long chains of fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol

A lipid has three long chains of fatty acids and .?

A lipid has three long chains of fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol

What macromolecule contains glycerol?

Ur Welcome ;)Lipids are composed of three fatty acid chains linked to a glycerol backbone

A lipid has three long chains of fatty acids and what else?

A lipid has three long chains of fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol

What are the three components of phospholipids?

1.a charged phosphate group 2.a glycerol 3.2 fatty acid chains

How is a triglyceride formed?

A triglyceride is made of three long chain fatty acids (hydrocarbons) attached to one molecule of glycerol. The number of hydrocarbons in the chains determine the nature of the triglyceride; all three chains may be the same length, or each a different length.

What are the unit molecules that make up fat?

The smaller molecules that make up a fat molecule are fatty acids and glycerol. Glycerol is an organic compound and fatty acids are made of chains of hydrocarbons.

What is the large molecule of fatty acids and glycerol?

Fatty acids are known as isomers. Glycerol are also isomers.

What is Triacylglycerol composed of?

A glycerol molecule and three fatty acid molecules.

How many water molecules will be removed to form a fat composed of 3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol molecule?

Three water molecules will be removed to form a triglyceride composed of three fatty acid chains and one glycerol molecule. One molecule of water is removed for each bond between a fatty acid and the glycerol molecule, for a total of three water molecules removed.

What are the component molecules that form together to make a triglyceride?

Glycerol and 3 Fatty acids