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Hadith Regarding the Prophet Jesus (as) Bringing Peace and Love to the World and Putting an End to Killing, Oppression and War:

I swear that Jesus (as), son of Maryam will descend as a just ruler... And all HOSTILITIES, QUARRELS, ENVY WILL ABSOLUTELY VANISH... (Death - Doomsday - Hereafter, p. 498)

Jesus (as), son of Maryam will be a just judge and a just ruler, ... abolish the jizya (from the non-Muslims), FILL THE EARTH WITH PEACE just as the water fills the pot. There will also be unity in religion and noone other than Allah will be worshipped anymore. (Sunan Ibn Majah, 10/334)

The Prophet Jesus (as) exists in my community as a just ruler... ALL HOSTILITY AND HATRED VANISH... Earth becomes like a silver plate and grows the plants in abundance just like in the time of the Prophet Adam (as) ... (Death - Doomsday - Hereafter, p. 496)


Then he will live for 40 years. Noone will die at his time. One will call on to his animals (to be out at grass); they will go and although they pass through the crop not even an anther they will taste. Snakes and scorpions will not harm anyone. Beasts will stand before the doors and will not harm anyone... (Imam Suyuti, Portents of Doomsday, Death and Resurrection, p. 1699, p 184)

ENMITY AND GRUDGE among people will disappear. Scorpions and snakes will be without poison; even a child will play with a snake with bare hands without getting a snakebite. A girl will try to drive a lion but that lion will not touch her. A wolf will remain among sheep as if it were a shepherd dog. As a bowl fills with water, the Earth will fill with the unity of religion. People will worship no being other than Allah. NOTHING IN THE NAME OF WARS, STRIFE WILL REMAIN... The Earth will be like a silver table. It will give off its plantations as it were in the time of Prophet Adam (as). A bunch of grapes will suffice a private. A group of people will be full with a single pomegranate. The price of an ox will be that much and a horse will be purchased in return for a dirham.
They said:
"The Messenger of Allah! Why will a horse be so cheap?"
"Why will an ox will be so expensive?"
"Because the entire Earth will be planted, it will be of great demand..." (Ibn Majah reported a similar one from Umama; Great Hadith Collection, Rudani, Volume 5, p. 370-371-372)

Jesus (as) remains among the people as a just judge, an absolute judicious imam (religious leader) - ruler... ALL ENMITIES, GRUDGE DISAPPEAR, the poison of each poisonous animal is drawn.Furthermore, a child puts his hand in the mouth of a snake but that snake does not give harm to it. A girl annoys a lion while caressing it but that lion does not give harm to the girl. A wolf becomes like a shepherd dog among a sheep herd. THE EARTH IS FILLED WITH PEACE AND SECURITY AS IF A BOWL IS FILLED WITH WATER. (At that time) a single word (the word of tawhid) remains and people worship only Allah. Warriors LEAVE THEIR WEIGHT (THAT IS THEIR ARMS, WEAPONS ETC.) (Death, Doomsday, the Hereafter, p.496-497)

[(Jesus (as)] will then live for forty years. AT HIS TIME NO ONE WILL DIE. A person will tell his sheep and animals to go and graze, they will go and although they will pass through crops, they will take not a single ear of grain into their mouths. Snakes and scorpions will not give harm to anyone. Predatory animals will lie at people's doorsteps but they will not give harm to anyone. A person will take a scale of wheat and plant it [in a field] without ox and catapult, but he will still take seven hundred scales of wheat in return. (Imam Suyuti, Portents of Doomsday, Death and Resurrection, p. 184)

"For seven years NO ONE WILL BE ENEMIES TO ONE ANOTHER." (264- Ibn Manda, a.e II 958-9, el-Mukhaddas, a.E. Vr. 136-a 137-b)

In his [Jesus' (as)] time soil brings out its treasures in its depths. People do not demand any possessions. Envy and grudge disappear. Allah clears off the poison of each poisonous being. Thus children play with snakes and scorpions, but they are not harmed. Wolves do not give harm to sheep. PEOPLE DO NOT KILL ONE ANOTHER. PEACE DOMINATES THE EARTH. Soil gives plenty of crops as it were in its initial days. (265- see. Musnad, II, 409, 437; al-Safarini, Lavami, II 95) (Dr. Zeki Sarıtoprak, Jesus' Descend from the Point of Islam, Cağlayan Press, Izmir, 1997, p.96)

THERE WILL BE NO PLACE FOR GRUDGE AND ENMITY AMONG PEOPLEsince the reasons disappeared... (Signs of the Doomsday, pp. 242-243)

"Jesus (as), son of Maryam, will descend no matter what."... "ENMITY, GETTING CROSS WITH EACH OTHER AND JEALOUSY WILL BE REMOVED." (Abu Huraira (ra), Great Hadith Collection, Rudani, Vol. 5, p. 379)

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Q: What are the few Hadith Regarding the Prophet Jesus AS?
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Why is the Hadith important to Muslims?

The Importance of Hadith in Islam The two fundamental sources of Islam are the Qur'an (the word of God) and the Sunnah (the example) of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). By Sunnah, we mean the actions, sayings and silent permissions (or disapprovals) of the Prophet. The word "Sunnah" is also used to refer to religious duties that are optional. Here, we are concerned with Sunnah in the sense of the recorded sayings (Hadiths) of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In this sense, Hadith is considered to be second to the Qur'an. It is impossible to understand the Qur'an without reference to the Hadith; and it is impossible to explain a hadith without relating it to the Qur'an. The Qur'an is the message, while the Hadith is the verbal translation of the message into pragmatic terms, as exemplified by the Prophet. While the Qur'an is the metaphysical basis of the Sunnah, the Sunnah is the practical demonstration of the precepts laid down in the Qur'an. The duty of the Messenger was not just to communicate the message, rather, he was entrusted with the most important task of explaining and illustrating that message. That is the reason why Allah Himself has commanded the following: [Say: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he (the Prophet) is only responsible for the duty placed on him (i.e. to convey Allah's Message) and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way.] (An-Nur 24:54) This verse clearly tells us the overriding importance of Hadith to Muslims. They should be eager to learn and follow the teachings of the Prophet as expressed in Hadith. If we are negligent in this respect, it is we who have to answer before Allah. Speaking of the importance of Hadith, we need to take into consideration two broad aspects of the subject. We know that Allah Almighty revealed the Qur'an to His chosen Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). So it is through the Prophet we come to hear the word of Allah; and it is the Prophet himself who can properly explain and demonstrate the precepts in the Qur'an. Without the required explanations and illustrations given by the Prophet, the Qur'an may be misunderstood and misinterpreted by people. So the Prophet took care to explain and demonstrate to his companions how the Qur'anic verses must be read and understood. That is to say, the importance of Hadith is linked to the importance of the Qur'an.For example, the details of how to perform salah(ritual prayer), for instance, were given by the Prophet through his words and action, and not by the Qur'an. This means that we wouldn't know how to pray, fast, pay zakah, or perform Hajj without the examples given by the Prophet as recorded in the Hadith. Indeed, all necessary details are given in the Hadith, not in the Qur'an. The revelation of each of the verses of the Qur'an took place at some critical junctures in the life of the Prophet. Of course, there are verses of universal application and significance, irrespective of the context in which those verses were revealed. But there are other verses that can be understood or interpreted only in the light of the actual context in the life of the Prophet, which called for that revelation. There are many examples. For instance, the following verse in the Surah Aali `Imran: [If any one disputes in this matter with thee, now after (full) knowledge hath come to thee, Say: Come! Let us gather together, our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves: then let us earnestly pray. And invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie.] (Aali `Imran 3:61)This verse talks about mubahala (invoking the curse of Allah on those who take a dishonest stand); and was revealed when the Prophet was conferring with the Christian delegation from Najran in 631 CE This example clearly shows how we need to refer to the life and example of the Prophet to understand the context, as well as the meaning of verses, such as the above mentioned one in the Qur'an. The foregoing shows how Hadith, in practical terms, explains, clarifies, and paraphrases the Qur'an. If we reject the Hadith, we may misread the Qur'an; so Hadith is central to a proper understanding of the Qur'an. In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty commands us not only to obey the Messenger, but also to abide by his decisions as follows: [But no, by the Lord, they can have no (real) Faith, until they make you (the Prophet] judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against your decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction."] (An-Nisaa' 4:65) And surely we find such decisions only in the Hadith; the duty of Muslims is to accept the Prophet's decisions whole-heartedly. The Qur'an also orders the faithful to emulate the role model of the Messenger and reckons it to be the only way to gain the pleasure of Allah. It is therefore obligatory that we look up to the Prophet's morals and exemplary character and carry them out in our lives. We can never do so without studying Hadith. It is most illuminating in this respect to learn that when `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was asked to describe the character of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), her definitive answer was, "His character was that of the Qur'an." In other words, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) personified the best ideals and values of the Qur'an

Where Jesus did not do miracle?

In Nazareth. Because He grew up there, they could not believe in what He was saying and had no faith, so He only did a few miracles. Matthew 13:57 says: "And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.'"

What Muslim holy book contains the Qur'an and the Hadith is called the?

The holy book of the Muslims is called the Qura'an. It contains the Text revealed to the last Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah Karim be upon him) through the Arch Angel Hazrat Jibraiel (Gabraiel). It is the word of Almighty God. It does not contain even a single word uttered by the last Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah Karim be upon him) of his own accord. The sayings (Al-Hadith) of the last Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah Karim be upon him) have been compiled by Muslim Scholars in different books: These scholars include- Imam Bukhari (RA), Imam Malik (RA), Imam Muslim (RA), Imam Tirmazi (RA), and a few others.

What is hadith give any five hadiths?

A hadith is a narration by the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH recorded by his companions. Few of the Authentic Ahadith regarding consuming alcohol are; The Prophet of Islam Muhammad(PBUH) said: In Sunan Ibn-I-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants Alcohol is the mother of all evils and it is the most shameful of evils." In Sunan Ibn-I-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants Not only those who drink alcohol are cursed but also those who deal with them directly or indirectly are cursed by Allah According to Sunan Ibn-I-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants It was reported by Anas(RA), that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "God's curse falls on ten groups of people who deal with alcohol. The one who distills it, the one for whom it has been distilled, the one who drinks it, the one who transports it, the one to who it has been brought, the one whom serves it, the one who sells it, the one who utilizes money from it, the one who buys it and the one who buys it for someone else."

Who is the prophet of Islam religion?

He is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), son of 'Abdullah, son of 'Abdul-Muttalib Al-Hashimi, Al-Qurashi, the Arab, the descendant of the loins of Ishmael (Isma'il) the son of Abraham (Ibrahim). He is Allah's servant and Messenger who called for Islam religion per God (Allah) revelation of Quran to him through the angel Gabriel (Jibril). Quran God revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) continued from year 610 AD through year 622 Ad (year of prophet Muhammad death).However, Islam, as an Arabic word that means submission to God, in its universal sense is the religion and call of all God prophets and messengers since start of mankind. It is believed that there are 124,000 prophets in Islam. Prophet Adam (peace be be upon him) was the first prophet and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last messenger and prophet. Other prophets, that mentioned in Quran, include Prophet Noah, Prophet Abraham, Prophet Lut, Prophet Ishmael (Isma'eel), Prophet Isaac,Prophet Jacob, Prophet Joseph, Prophet Moses, Prophet David, Prophet Solomon, Prophet Zacharia, Prophet Jesus (peace and the blessings of Allah be on all of them). All Above prophets called for one message: There is one and only one God, Allah the Creator, with no partner, no companion, no son, no father, and no resemblance.Consequently,Prophet Moses is the prophet of Judaism religion per God revelation of the holy book Torah to him,Prophet Jesus is the prophet of Christianity religion per God revelation of the holy book the Bible to him, andProphet Muhammad is the last prophet of the very name Islam religion, last God message and last religion, per God revelation of Quran, last God holy book, to him.Refer to the related questions below for more information.AnswerProphet Mohamed Ibn Abdullah (peace upon him) is the prophet of Islam religion. This is in the same sense as Prophet Jesus is the prophet of Christianity and Moses is the Prophet of Judaism. AnswerThere are said to be 124,000 prophets in Islam. Prophet Adam (may peace and the blessings of Allah be on him) was the first prophet and Prophet Muhammed (may peace and the blessings of Allah be on him) was the last. Some of the other well know prophets are: Prophet Noah, Prophet Abraham, Prophet Isma'eel, Prophet Isaac, Prophet Joseph, Prophet Jacob, Prophet Moses, Prophet Solomon, Prophet Zacharia, Prophet Jesus, Prophet Lut and Prophet David (may peace and the blessings of Allah be on all of them). One thing in common all the prophets had was their message - There is only one God and that is Allah. Answer"Islam" means "peaceful submission to God's will". Therefore, every true Prophet, according to us, brought "Islam". Adam was the first Prophet. After him were many. To name just a few: Noah, Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Jesus and, finally, Muhammad. Peace be upon them all. The Muslim believes that the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), son of 'Abdullah, son of 'Abdul-Muttalib Al-Hashimi, Al-Qurashi, the Arab, the descendent of the loins of Isma'il the son of Ibrahim is Allaah's servant and Messenger. (Minhaj Al-Muslim Vol.l, p.63)AnswerThe prophet who is responsible for calling to Islam is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He called for Islam according to God revelation of Quran to him through the angel Gabriel in year 610 AD. MuhammadOther spellings: Mohammad, Mahomet

What countries do not believe in Jesus?

You need to be clearer about what you mean by 'believe in'. Muslims have immense respect for Jesus as a prophet, and Jesus is mentioned in the Koran. So does this mean they 'believe' in him? They do as a prophet, yes. But they do not believe in the deity of Christ as do most Christians.

What is hadith fabrication?

Fabrication of a hadith means a false hadith which is truly unauthentic and was not said by the Holy Prophet PBUH. The enemies of Islam, in the early phase of Islamic history, decided to damage the authenticity of the treasure of the prophetic knowledge, if not destroy it altogether. Their efforts, however, were thwarted by the efforts of imāms of the science of Hadīth criticism. They exerted their full efforts in sifting the true knowledge from false fabrications. They pointed out the loopholes through which the weak Aḥādīth were mixed with the sound ones. The intensity of fabrications can be imagined by considering the fact that only a few thousand narratives could pass the test of a set criterion for the sound Aḥādīth from hundreds of thousands of traditions.

Does Jesus smoke?

No! Jesus only drank wine, which was one of the few drink choices.

Where did Jesus meet Moses?

Jesus was on the hill with a few disciples and Moses and Elijah were there as well.