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Symptoms initially are mild and include tremors while stretching hands, muscle cramps after exertion, and fasciculations (visible muscle twitches).

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Q: What are the first symptoms of Kennedy's disease?
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How do you get keynote symptoms?

Symptoms are the language of a disease. All symptoms of illness are the body's first attempt to balance/heal itself. The language of symptoms is the best language that asks for the remedy

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2 Days after you notice the first symptoms.

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When are the first symptoms of Alpers' disease?

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How do you get keynote?

Symptoms are the language of a disease. All symptoms of illness are the body's first attempt to balance/heal itself. The language of symptoms is the best language that asks for the remedy

What is the meaning of asymptomatic?

It actually means this. showing no symptoms at all.

What age do you get huntingtons disease?

For a person with the Huntingtons gene the first symptoms usually strike in late middle age at around 50-55. There are people however with the gene who have had first symptoms in their late 80s and some in their early 20s. You have to have the gene to get the disease.

Can someone die from having Huntington's disease?

Yes, the typical life span for someone with the disease is about 20 years from when symptoms first occur.