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The five nutrients a calf (or any bovine) needs in its diet to stay healthy are:

  • Water
  • Protein (plant form and from the microbes in the rumen)
  • Energy (form of carbohydrates)
  • Minerals (such as cobalt, iodine, iron, selenium, copper, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.)
  • Vitamins (such as A, D, E, and K vitamins)
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Q: What are the five nutrients a beef calf needs in its diet to stay healthy?
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Related questions

What should you feed your newborn calf?

If you can try to feed it mostly milk. It needs to get healthy.

What is the Average weight of a 1 month old beef calf?

That all depends on what breed that beef calf is. A 1 month old beef calf can weigh anywhere from 80 lbs to over 200 lbs or more.

How do you keep beef cattle from producing milk after calving?

You do not! In a beef herd the mother (dam) is kept for many years to breed the 'beef' offspring that spend 7 to 9 months sucking mothers milk and grazing. This is a suckler herd. A beef breeder. Answer 2: Like the above poster said, you do NOT keep beef cows from producing milk after calving. However, the only reason you should let beef cows (or a beef cow) dry up is if her calf died and there is no other orphan calf she should or can foster. Other than that, beef cows should not be dried up because they have a calf to nurse, which needs their milk in order to grow into a healthy heifer/bull/steer. Beef cows are not like dairy cows where their calves are taken away from them at birth: with beef cows, the calves stay on their mommas until it's time to wean them at 6 to 10 months of age.

What kind of meat does a calf have?

Meat that comes from a calf is called veal or baby beef.

How does a calf help you?

A calf (or baby cow) is the reason that the beef and dairy industries have not crashed. They are the future beef and milk producers, so in short answer they will feed you.

Which is the category of beef meat?

Beef meat is from cattle. If the meat is from cow, steer, bull, calf, does not matter it is beef.

What is beef farming?

Raise beef cattle for the purpose of turning those animals into meat. "Beef farm" is a very generic term, as it can refer to beef cow-calf operations or feedlot operations (and everything else in between.)

Completee this analogy cow is to beef as calf is to?


What diseases does a calf have?

A healthy calf should have NO diseases. As a matter of fact, ANY calf should be disease free!

What would happen to a calf if you didn't adjust the beef ration?

Nothing. The calf would just still keep growing.

Can a beef cow be bred back before the calf is weaned?


How do you know if a calf is getting enough to eat?

A hungry calf is a healthy calf. Don't feed a calf too much other wise it will scour. Otherwise, you know a calf is getting enough if you are knowingly keeping on top of regular feedings and watching it grow day by day. A healthy calf is a calf that's not lethargic, sickly-looking and interested in eating.