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# Shelter # Food # Water # Medicne (1st Aid) # Communication

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Q: What are the five survival?
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What is the survival rate for people suffering from ovarian cancer?

The survival rate for ovarian cancer varies by the severity of the disease and how early the disease is detected. The typical five-year rate is around 45%, but if diagnosed early, the five-year survival rate can be as high as 90%.

What is the survival rate for men with stage IV prostate cancer?

the five year survival rate drops to 30% for Stage IV.

What are the five year survival rates for myeloma patients?

Non-Hodgkins lymphone is very much a nasty disease. The five year survival rate is around fifty percetage.There was over twenty-three-thousand deaths.

What are the statistics for breast cancer survival at age 25?

The statistics for survival of breast cancer at the age of twenty five is that there is about an 85 percent chance of survival for any person age fifteen through thirty nine.

What is the five year survival rate for anaplastic thyroid cancer?

Only 3-17% of patients with anaplastic cancer survive for five years.

What is the survival rate for thymomas?

The five-year survival rates for thymomas are 96% for stage I, 86% for stage II, 69% for stage III, and 50% for stage IV.

Five things for survival?

the basics are as listed: food fire water shelter and the ability to adapt

List five resources you believe are needed for survival and why?

Air, water, food, heat, light

List at least five benefits of living planet that has such a diversity of organisms?

more chances of survival

What is the prognosis for people with intraocular retinoblastoma?

Individuals with intraocular retinoblastoma who do not have trilateral retinoblastoma usually have a good survival rate with a 90% chance of disease-free survival for five years.

What is the survival rate of stage2a breast cancer?

For stage I (early/lymph node negative), which comprises 40-45% of total cases, the five-year survival is 85-95%.

In America what is the colon cancer survival rate?

The survival rates for colon cancer depend on in which stage the cancer is originally detected. If detected at an early stage, the five year survival rate can be as high as 90%, however if the cancer goes undetected into a distant stage, the five year survival rate can drop dramatically, becoming 12%.