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Q: What are the government own oil refineries in US?
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tren ouil refineeris

Why is the US obligated to sell its own crude oil on the open market?

In the US, the oil companies will generally either sell their oil on the open market, to get the best price possible, or will use the oil in their refineries. There are a number of exceptions. They may have a heavy crude, and it is to their advantage to lock in a long term delivery contract to a refinery.

Where does North Dakota oil go?

North Dakota Oil goes to refineries on the East Coast, West Coast, and Gulf Coast of the US.

How many gasoline refineries are there in the US?


Does the government own the stock markets?

The government in the US at least does not own the stock market.

How many oil refineries have opened in the last 10 years in US?

There've been no new oil refineries opened in the last 10 Years. As a matter of fact none have been built in over 30 years. The last new refinery opened was in the mid 1970s. However, there're two new refineries in the process of getting approved and built, one in Arizona to come on line this year, and one in S. Dakota where construction will start this year.

What are all of the terror attacks to happen against the World Trade Centre?

Was caused by our Government for greed for oil, Sad our US killed its own people.

How many oil refineries are there in the US?

Contrary to popular belief there are many, spread all over. According to the EIA, 149. However, they are not all dedicated to refining oil into usable gasoline, and 149 still aren't enough. The real problem, however, is not that there aren't enough refineries (which, once again, there aren't,) but that the refineries we have are not working at maximum capacity. Regularly, their parent companies will shut them down or scale them back, dramatically reducing their output. The oil companies say its due to refinery age, reparis, etc. There is much debate, however, as to whether or not these actions are actually deliberate in order to boost prices at the pump. It could be argued that with problems occurring that increase expenses for oil companies that their increase in profits recently makes those same statements of high expenditures false. What adds further weight to the debate is the fact that dozens of refineries have been closed in the past 15 years, which doesn't add up during a supply shortage or price spike caused by the same, with increase in demand. It is also widely known that in the mid-1990's some refineries were closed as a direct result of refinery overproduction, during times of surplus, which was due to a loss of profits by the relevant companies. This further makes recent industry profit spikes quite coincidental, now that those refineries are closed and production is strickly controlled, shortage or surplus with every barrel with limited refineries, which can be slowed for any reason. Regardless, production of gasoline and related products is affected, and to be fair, 60% of U.S. oil is imported, and so conflicts in Iraq and problems with Iran, Venezuela, long shipping times/distances all can also dramatically affect the price of gasoline as well, and have been known to hamper it in the past.

Why doesn't the US use their own gasoline?

We do, most gasoline produced in the US refineries is used in the US. We do not import gasoline, but the crude oil used to make gasoline. It is cheaper to refine "sweet" crude oil from the Middle East, than the "sour" crude oil we produce. As the price of crude oil increases we become more reliant on our own oil, as it drops we import more oil. Keep in mind the US is the third largest producer of crude oil in the world, we have been first in the past, most of which is used in the US. Transportation costs can be factored into the equation as well, a pipeline from Alaska to refineries on the west coast could reduce transport costs, thus reducing the cost of refining it into gasoline or other fuels, indirectly. Otherwise it is as costly to ship it by sea from Alaska as it is from the Mid-East, so the difference in pumping and refining costs is what drives the import-export trade most. Oil pumped from the Gulf of Mexico is usually refined in the Gulf states, and oil drilling in other states is highly regulated, (aside from the differences in "sweet" and "sour" crude) driving up costs.

Why does the government own the RCMP?

they do good for us