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Weakness, dizziness and loss of consciousness for the mother, intrauterine growth restriction and brain damage do to low oxygen levels for the baby. Keeping your iron (RBC) level normal during pregnancy is very important for fetal health.

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Q: What are the harmful effect to a mother and her baby if the mother's blood count is low?
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A baby and its mother use different bloods. However, the placenta, that allows nutrients to pass into the baby, can also allow harmful substances.

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Which part can harmful substances such as nicotine pass from the mothers blood to the baby's blood?

trough the placentai thinkshould be umbilical cord...... I think too

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The substances can pass through the placental wall.

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No, the baby is supplied with food in its blood via the placenta, the placenta is connected to the mother's blood supply and the baby's food gets to it from the mothers blood.

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The mother's blood supply enters the foetus via the umbillical cord and allows oxygen to diffuse from the mother's blood into the foetus.

Through which part can harmful substances such as nicotine pass from the mothers blood to the babys blood?

Harmful substances like nicotine can pass from the mother's blood to the baby's blood through the placenta. The placenta is a vital organ that provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus while also filtering out some harmful substances. However, substances like nicotine can still pass through the placenta and affect the developing baby.

Does Mother's blood flows into the foetus through placenta.True or False?

True. The placenta acts as a bridge between the mother and the fetus, allowing nutrients, oxygen, and waste products to pass between them. This includes the exchange of oxygen and nutrients in the mother's blood to the fetus.

How do cigarettes effect pregnancy?

Cigarettes are harmful to the development of a fetus, because they create a degree of carbon monoxide poisoning in the mother, which reduces available oxygen to both mother and fetus, and because nicotine is also a vaso-constrictor, making blood vessels contract, thereby reducing blood flow to the fetus.

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The parents of a husband are not related to the parents of his wife. Answer There is no relationship at all as there is no blood tie with either of the mothers. If however the mother in law was the mothers sister, then that would be the relationship i.e. sister.