

What are the harmful effects of planting GMO's in a weeds?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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GMO corn has been genetically altered to contain chemicals in it that will kill insects that eat the corn. What is bad is that the pollen also has the insect killing chemical. When the pollen gets blown from the corn to lets say milkweed, the monarch caterpillars that inadvertently come into contact with the blown pollen will die. So no Monarch Butterflies.

If honey bees come to collect the pollen for their hives, this will sicken and kill the bees. No honey.

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Q: What are the harmful effects of planting GMO's in a weeds?
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Do scientists know the long lasting effects of GMOs?

No one knows the long lasting effects of GMOs, though some say people have been eating them since 1996 and that is evidence that there are no long lasting negative effects of GMOs. Since long term studies on rats that showed serious effects of GMO consumption have been discredited, and GMO foods are not labeled, it is hard to determine what the long lasting effects of GMOs are. There is evidence, though it is not accepted as valid by some, that people who are put on a non GMO diet have improved health.

Why the cultivation and breeding of GMOs are opposed by organizations?

It is opposed by some organizations and individuals because they are not convinced that the safety of the crops to the environment or human health has been proven, the regulatory process in the U.S. appears to have been influenced by those who develop and profit from the technology, etc.

Should foods containing GMOs be labelled?

Yes, but only some times some times they could be harmful

Why does the US government allow dangerous foods such as heavy metals and GMOs banned by governments around the world to be promoted as safe in the US?

As far as is known, the government does not allow heavy metals in foods, but they allow them in other things, like vaccines, and they allow many additives and preservatives in foods that are harmful. Concerning GMOs, the government claims that they are not harmful or dangerous, and they are considered to be "substantially equivalent" to non GMOs by the FDA. There are various theories as to why the US government seems to promote GMOs, but none of the theories are substantiated.

What are the effects on Growth in GDP from genetically modified food?

There have been countries that have refused to import grains that contain GMOs, so it has resulted in negative effects on the GDP.

What harm do non organic foods do to you?

Non organic foods themselves would do no harm to you unless they contain harmful additives and/or preservatives, chemicals from synthetic pesticides that were sprayed on them, etc. It is also possible that non organic foods are genetically modified and the health effects of GMOs are not known, though there is some anecdotal evidence that they can have adverse health effects in animals and people.

Why do people use food?

People buy organic food because they do not want GMOs, artificial preservatives and additives, pesticides, and other harmful substances in their food.

Are gmos easier to grow than regular food?

There is no known information that indicates GMOs are easier to grown than non-GMOs.

What are some concerns of using GMOs?

GMOs are not caused, but produced. GMO is the abbreviation for Genetically Modified Organism. Basically, the process of genetic engineering removes a section of DNA from one organism, often a bacteria or virus, and inserts it into another organism, often a crop like corn or soybeans. The majority of genetically modified crops have been modified to withstand direct spraying of synthetic weed killers, or to produce a substance within the plant itself that kills insects when insects feed on the plant. The use of this technology is controversial, but to answer your question directly, many would say the "cause" is economical for the producers of the GMOs, since when they modify a crop genetically, the modified plants are considered unique organisms that can be (and are) patentable.

How GMOs improve food production?

There is no evidence that GMOs have improved food production.

Do the Consumer Protection Laws protect consumers from being forced to accept GMOs?

No, they do not. There are no laws that protect consumers if they do not want to eat GMOs. The consumers' only choice if they wish to avoid eating GMOs is to stop eating lots of foods that may contain GMOs.

What is good about organic food?

Organic foods are good because they are produced without harmful chemicals and pesticides, GMOs, artificial flavors and preservatives. They are better for your body than non organic foods.