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The yarmulke or Kippah is the skullcap traditionally worn by observant Jewish men. Wearing the Yarmulke is supposed to honor God and is a sign of respect to God, similar to how Christian women used to wear veils when entering a church.

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6y ago
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6y ago

depends on the group. Lithuanian-yeshiva men usually wear indented medium/broad brimmed black felt hats.
Brisk, some Hasidim- narrow brimmed round flat topped black felt hats.
Hasidim- Sabbath- round fur hats (different types)
Some Yemenites- small round felt hats with cloth wrapped around them.
Jerusalemites- variation on the fur hat
The men sometimes wear yarmulkes with or without hats.

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14y ago

A kippah, (plural: kippot), hech cap or yarmulke (also called a skullcap or kappel).

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10y ago
Judaism permits its followers to wear fedoras, stetsons, panamas, Baseball caps, beanies, pith helmets, berets, bowlers, stovepipes, snapbacks, cloches, flappers, kova tembel, rain hood, and even keffiyeh in appropriate circumstances. But during worship services, especially in Orthodox synagogues, and often throughout the day, males wear a simple skullcap, called a yarmulka (the Yiddish name for it), kippah (the Hebrew name), or (jokingly) a beanie. Additionally, a number of Western European Orthodox men wear top hats and Eastern European Orthodox men wear boyar hats in recognition that wearing such hats is indicative of higher status and more formal dress.

Some women also cover their heads: in Orthodox Judaism, women are not supposed to go outside with their hair showing, so many wear wigs. But even some Reform and Conservative Jewish women will cover their heads when they are in the synagogue praying, even though they are under no obligation to do so. The reason for the Jewish tradition of covering one's head, whether one is male (and obligated to do so) or female (and choosing to do so voluntarily), is to remind one to be humble, to remember that God is above you at all times.
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8y ago

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.
Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

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7y ago


Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

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7y ago

There are various hats, but you are likely talking about a Kippah:

Hebrew word: Kippah (כיפה)

Yiddish word: Yarmulke (יאַרמולקע)

English word: (Not used by Jews) Skullcap

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6y ago

Orthodox Jewish men cover their heads with a Yarmulke (also called a Kippah) when not wearing a fedora. Some Hassidic Jews wear a Shtreimel or Spodik on festive occasions.

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13y ago

Jewish women don't wear a specific type of hat. Orthodox married women cover their hair and they use hats, scarves, and wigs.

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12y ago

Men wear a hat and/or yarmulke (cap), and married women cover their hair.

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1) A head-covering such as a kippah (cap) or a hat. 2) The tzitzith-garment (see Numbers 15:38).

What do Jewish men wear in a synagogue?

They usually wear a suit or other modest and tasteful clothing. Their heads are covered with a hat or skullcap. If it is morning services, they will have a tallit (prayer shawl) over the suit; and they will have tefillin (phylacteries).