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Q: What are the health risks of losing 60 pounds in 6 months?
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How can a 5' 5 130 pound 15-year-old girl lose 25 pounds in two months?

You shouldn't even try. First off crash diets are not healthy and can cause you permanent health damage. Secondly, at your height 105 pounds would probably put you in the underweight category, which has health risks of its own. If you really insist on losing some weight you can try for losing 1-2 pounds/week, which is doable on a sensible diet(like cutting out sodas, anything deep fried and similar high fat/high sugar foodstuffs).

How do you lose 147 lbs in two months?

Losing 147 pounds in two months is an extremely unrealistic and unsafe goal, and attempting such rapid weight loss can have severe health risks; a more sustainable approach to weight loss should be pursued with the guidance of healthcare professionals. visit this store to get an eBook guide:

How can you lose 40 lbs in two months?

Losing 40 pounds in two months is not considered safe or sustainable for most individuals, as it would require an extremely low-calorie diet and intense exercise, potentially leading to health risks; it's advisable to aim for gradual and healthy weight loss with the guidance of a healthcare professional, typically at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week. Kindly visit this store for an eBook guide:

Where could one find tips on how to lose ten pound in one week?

Many websites offer ideas on how to lose 10 pounds in a week, but not all are reliable. It is necessary to examine each plan for health risks. Livestrong is a reliable website that offers a plan on losing 10 pounds in a week.

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I don't have 5 health risks but I do have one.. Gum Disease.

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Ingesting speed can have many health risks. Some of these health risks are, high blood pressure, insomnia, tremors, rapid heart rate, and anxiety.

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