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A variety of products have been covered by stamp acts includingplaying cards, patent medicines, cheques, mortgages, contracts and newspapers.Some other products were deeds, wills, marriage licenses, legal documents, diplomas, almanacs, broadsides, pamphlets, insurance policies, ship's papers, licenses.

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Q: What documents were covered by the stamp act?
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What required all official documents to have a british stamp?

Stamp act

What was the stamp act and when was it passed?

The stamp act required all documents to be on stamped paper and have a stamp, which had to be purchased. Passed in 1765.

What was the stamp act and was it passed?

The stamp act required all documents to be on stamped paper and have a stamp, which had to be purchased. Passed in 1765.

What caused the the stamp act 1765?

The stamp act of 1765 was the requirement that all legal documents (contract, etc) had to have a stamp on it

Which act put a tax on all legal documents?

That could be a stamp tax, conveyance tax or excise tax.

What is is the stamp act?

The act taxed documents such as newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents,decks of cards, and even dice. All these documents had to carry around a stamp showing the tax had been paid.

What did the stamp act force colonist to do?

Pay a tax on all documents. A stamp needed to be affixed to wills, loan documents, contracts, all documents

What did the stamp act tax mean for the colonies?

The stamp act was a tax itself. It was a tax to be paid on the transfer of certain documents.

What was the British Policy that taxed paper used for documents?

so that they could get money from others

What did the Stamp Act put tax on?

the stamp act put a tax on stamps, newspapers, playing cards and legal documents

What act taxed legal documents diplomas wills marriage licences playing cards dice almanacs?

the stamp act of 1765 placed tax on things such as legal documents, playing cards, and dice

Why was the stamp act so unpopular among colonists?

Because the stamp act placed taxes on everything the colonists used.