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There is usually a hero of a noble stature who falls from grace and dies.

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Q: What are the key features of the tragic genre?
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Fantasy- Fairy-Tale with supernatural overtones. original one was tragic.

What is the definition of a mystery genre?

The mystery genre encompasses stories that involve solving a crime or uncovering a secret. Key elements include suspense, clues, and a central mystery that engages readers or viewers. The genre often features a protagonist, such as a detective, amateur sleuth, or investigator, who works to unravel the mystery.

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He was not brought down by a tragic flaw, but by honor, not a flaw but a key charactaristic in his admirable personality.

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key features are from countries and lots more like what is important to them

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Musical- but could be described as tragic or political due to the deaths of the brothers and the poverty/unemployment

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I do not think poetry is a genre. It is a form of writing, such as prose. Poetry can be written in different genres, such as epic, comic, tragic and dramatic.

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The key features of language are that it is communicative, arbitrary, structured, generative and dynamic.

What are key characteristics?

the main features means what is the usual features

What are literary features?

It means genre like fiction non-fiction and more

Which of the following elements of the dramatic tradition was developed by the Greeks?

Written scripts, Dialogue, and The tragic genre (all of the above apex)