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Each database lists the hardware requirements in their install guide.

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Q: What are the key hardware factors needed to be considered when implementing an Database Management System?
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What are the potential cost of implementing a database system?

5. What are the potential costs of implementing database?When implementing a system, the cost is a very area that should be considered as well after determining it requirement, alpha and beta test are passed upon implementation it cost should had been considered. In this case of database it implementation cost includes hardware, software , maintenance and location are the regular database implementation dimension.Ø Hardware: We need something for it to live on. This could either be bought, or hired.Ø Maintenance: The system will at some point require updating - costs of this will need to be considered. There will also be essential maintenance from time to time although this may be covered under your contract if you get an external company to do it for you .If you own the hardware then you will also have to consider staffing to do the maintenance part - does your team have the skills or do you need another.Ø Software: Lots of free software lots of expensive software - what are we going to use and what the best for the job are for it.Ø Location: In the location, where and which part the earth should our system be operates from is very import, though in the case of database technologies most are hosted online in the means one can operate from anywhere or part of the earth. But is very important to consider the location of system source.By Enebeli Edwin NdudiUnisel-Malaysia

8 factor to consider when choosing a database management system?

The hardware needed to run the dbms the database dbms shouild meet the orgnisations needs for a short period of time

What is tuning database?

Database tuning is comprised of a group of activities used to optimize and regulate the performance of a database. It refers to configuration of the database files, the database management system (DBMS), as well as the hardware and operating system on which the database is hosted. The goal of database tuning is to maximize the application of system resources in an attempt to execute transactions as efficiently and quickly as possible.

What software is a collection of programs that help the computer manage its own resources and enables application software to interact with computer hardware?

DBMS (Database Software Management Software)

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Is a data base hardware or software?

database is a software.

What is database environment?

The database environment refers to the components inside a database. Some of these include hardware, software, data, as well as the procedures.

What management organization and technology issues should be considered when selecting computer hardware and software?

Management organizations and technology issues that should be considered when selecting computer hardware and software are for larger smaller companies can get by with a simple spreadsheet others will need specific software to manger there needs. The markets demand for strategy and business strategy should be considered. The different software's for each department should also be considered.

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