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You have created a complicated legal situation for you, your husband, your child and your child's father. It must be handled appropriately for the best outcome. You need to consult with an attorney who specializes in divorce law in your jurisdiction who can review the situation in its entirety and explain your rights, responsibilities and legal options.

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Q: What are the laws in Ohio that govern a divorce when the wife is pregnant with another man's child?
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If a woman has already filed for divorce and is legally separated if she becomes pregnant with another mans child can she proceed with the divorce?


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She said he told her, "I don't want you anymore"? He had been dating another woman, and I think this woman was pregnant with is child.

Can you file divorce if pregnant?

Yes, but child custody can not be finalized.

If i were married when the child was concieved and got a divorce and never acknowledge there was a child what rights do i have?

Divorce orders generally list the children born of the marriage and state whether or not the wife is pregnant. You are presumed to be the child's father until/unless another man's paternity is established.

Divirce while pregnant in Kentucky?

Yes, you can divorce while pregnant in any state of the United States. I would suggest you get child support with the divorce.

Is maci bookout pregnant with another child?

No, she is not pregnant at the moment but would like another child.

Can you get a divorce finalized if you are pregnant in Kentucky?

No. While pregnant in the state of KY a divorce cannot be finalized. Furthermore, the child legally belongs to the husband, even if it is not biologically his. And when the time to divorce arrives all parties involved must sign affidavits of paternity of the child.

Why did Diana Ross divorce arne naess?

She said he told her, "I don't want you anymore"? He had been dating another woman, and I think this woman was pregnant with is child.

Can you file for divorce if you are pregnant in Arkansas and have one child together?

What difference does it make if you have no children or 12 ? How would this affect weather or not you can file for divorce ?

I have been separated and trying to get my divorce finalized for almost 2 years. i am now pregnant with my boyfriends child. Can i still continue my divorce?

of course.

Can a pregnant women get a divorce in Oklahoma?

If a woman has an extramatrital affair and becomes pregnant with her lover's child before she is divorced from her husband, paternity tests must be collected at the time of the birth to determine whose child it is. If it is proven not to be your husband's child, he has no legal claim to that child...HOWEVER many of the State's still hold him financially responsible for the actual birth.

Can you get a divorce in Arkansas if you are pregnant by someone other than your husband and you have a paternity test done prior to the baby being born?

You can get a divorce under any circumstances. If you are carrying another man's child, it may not be your decision. Your husband may make that decision for you.