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14y ago

Well the Good Samaritans Act was meant to protect those providing first aid from prosecution for there actions or inaction's. But lawyers need money and people want money for there own stupidity so the law suit was developed. Some people just can't walk away when someone is hurt, but some do and people die as a result.

When rendering first aid you must identify your self and confirm you know first aid and ask if they need assistance. If they say yes, you have consent to render aid. If the say no, then just observe and report to the ambulance personnel. If the are unconscious then consent is automatically given. If they are a "walking wounded", they will drop at some point and then aid can be rendered.

The concern is that once you start aid, you can't leave the casualty until the paramedics arrive, you can only turn over first aid to another first aider who has the same level or higher level as you do. Doctors for example can't render first aid in many places due to the legalities, there are cases of Doctors being sued for rendering first aid, then there are Doctor's who have been sued for failing to render first aid.

Check with your local first aid training facility they will be able to tell you what laws apply to your area for the provision of first aid.

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12y ago

14 and up is considered adult. Always ask a minor's guardian before treating.

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Q: What are the legal considerations in giving first aid?
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What is the legal requirement with regard to dealing with emergencies and providing first aid?

Take a First Aid class. They will cover the Good Samaritin Laws for your state.

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There is a legal requirement to pay back legal aid in the country of New Zealand. When the person receiving the legal aid has lied about their financial situation, they are required to repay the legal aid provided.

Is it important to ask the patient perission to assist or touch them prior to providing any form of firs aid?

No. If their life is in immediate danger, then your priority lies in giving them first aid. Even if their life is not in immediate danger, you are still giving them first aid to help them, not to just touch them for any other reason.

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This is too general of a questionThis is too general of a question to answer specifically. You should take a full first-aid course to develop your knowledge of how to provide answer specifically. You should take a full first-aid course to develop your knowledge of how to provide first-aid. \

Why is it good to know first aid?

So that if you ever came across a situation which requires you to act by giving first aid; you could do so and potentially save someones life.

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